I’d rather see the world end.
I know read about this months ago somewhere.
The risks are not miniscule, they are non existant.
For this to be correct, we would have to be fundamentally flawed in our knowledge of physics in a way in which every test running to date has disproved.
Black holes exist, and yes, we can create one. In order to create a black hole that lasts 1 second (which is a long time on the scale we are looking at here) it would weigh 230000 kg and we would need to use 5 million megatons of energy - the entire complex, indeed a large chunk of Europe would be gone.
( Hawking radiation - Wikipedia if you want to see the math )
But a little known fact - far stronger ‘natural’ particle rays hit the Earth than will ever be created in the LHC. See Oh-My-God particle - Wikipedia for details on a subatomic particle that was so powerful (it was travelling at travelling at .9999999999999999999999995 times the speed of light) - it had about the same force behind it as a cricket ball, yet was smaller then an atom.
That hit the earth in 1991, and we are still here. Other particles even more powerful have hit the Earth in our history with no effect.
This is just pointless anti-science scaremongering.
I feel better…
Probably because this was started in april the thread that is.
oh… yeah… sorry.
One week from today is when this thing lights up. I know what I’ll be doing that night. :tinfoilhat:
Enjoy the fireworks becuase the next boom you hear after this weekend might be the last.
That’s because I did it merged the repost with the original thread that is.
Good work:beer2:
This is fairly old for anyone that is in to that kind of stuff… there are some good videos on it floating around.
Looks like the end of the world has been delayed a month:
Dammit. I was counting on not having to pay that CC bill.
Firing off tomorrow. :tinfoilhat:
Status page of the cooling for the magnets is here: http://lhc.web.cern.ch/lhc/Cooldown_status.htm
Pretty awesome. The magnets need to be near absolute zero to function the way they need them to.
Oh God! Sectors 2 and 3 have a hearbeat! Run!
wow. What methods do they use to cool it down that much?
They probably still get to use R12. Fuckers.
dry ice
Apparently the use liquid helium.