Should we be worrying? End of the world? I'm serious, check it out.

duckJAI, three words, “TO MUCH ANIME”.

It’s a fucking particle accelerator, they’ve been in operations for years.

My faith in Jebus and the magic frogs will hold me steadfast through this trial and tribulation.

It’s been done already.

Google or for the newbs, here’s a link: List of accelerators in particle physics - Wikipedia

No, closed or moved to Member Chat.

Weee Sammy Sams… are you shitting bricks right now? This shit goes live in the wee hours of tomorrow morning!


well, we haven’t been obliterated, yet!

How do you guys think I feel, I’m based in Europe right now, if this thing creates a black hole I will be a gonner before you guys. This thing freaks the shit out of me. It’s like playing with fire and this time it’s a fire that can’t be put out, if something oes wrong and they create a black hole there is no way to stop it.

…I will ship my 240sx to the moon where at least it will be safe!

It all just goes to show that we should live our lifes to the fullest since life it self isn’t even in our hands but in the hands of some mad ass scientists. If they can do what ever they want and mess with the life of billions of people around the world then why should we care? We should do whatever they want.

And where is USA now? Why don’t they bomb this thing before it destroys the world instead of boming innocent people in countries that they suspect have weapons of mass destruction… well guess what? it don’t get no more mass destruction then this thing. This thing worries me, when man plays God that’s when things start to go wrong.

there is an estimated 1 in 50,000,000 chance that this thing will have any negative effects on anything anywhere (however i think those chances are still better than winning lotto 649) and a 1 in 50,000,000,000 chance that it will cause enough damage to hurt anyone and a 1 in 50,000,000,000,000 chance that it will end the world.

no, i didnt make that up - i read it on the internet and now you just did too. so its true.

Google is behind all of this.

We all know sooner or later Google will run the world!

F the world… what about the economies? Lehman banko… Merell Lynch bought… The world ending seems pretty good compared to what probably is going to be life for the next few decades…

Do you believe that? If this were even possible, the Earth would have been destroyed long before Humans were even born. Cosmic rays smash into the Earth all the time that release far more energy than the Hadron Collider will release. and thats a fact!

I will destroy the Earth one day.

u really think terrible jokes will have that kind of effect?