Should WNY SCCA continue to run at Batavia's go cart track?

I love BIMP because, like stated above, I can compare year to year. Last year my fastest was in the low 70’s. This year, my fastest is a 64.15, with no changes to the car in between.

doesn’t BMWCCA have the start/finish in different locations?

IF there was an option to run an extra event at Seneca, then I would probably vote no.

Why is this coming up now? Were participation numbers low last weekend?

I really did intend on going.


We got home at 5 am and I set my alarm for 6:30 to race in Batavia but didn’t hear it at all. Now I feel like a pussy.



I think it’s a nice change of pace too although I haven’t done autox much lately. Also, nice custom title :rofl:


HAHA, yea Joe gave it to me :smash2: I lol’d when i saw it too

I liked it last weekend. The last time I ran it was a BMW event a few years ago, both were fun. It’s actually the only time I’ve autocrossed in the past 2 years.


i hear theyre deciding about BIMP because the price is too high esp. for the low turnout.


In response to that I can say if its the most costly course to rent, why have the date set on fathers day. Poop planning, I love this course but the fam comes first

Attendance wasn’t bad, just something some of us were curious about. We noticed more then ever that people were packing up early after 3 or 4 runs. Just figured I’d ask. The feedback is worthwhile.

The BMW club runs the course differently then we do, however Im pretty sure they run it the same way every time as well. They do a longer course then we do.


IF there was an option to run an extra event at Seneca, then I would probably vote no.

Why is this coming up now? Were participation numbers low last weekend?


This was the original post over on wnyscca.

Post batavia interest poll

We notice LOTS of people (including myself) packing it in early at batavia. We also noticed that had this not been an FLR OOR points event, we would have not had enough people to break even.

That said, please cast your vote. FLR people please vote as well since you are pivitol to making that event solvent.

Ok, so attendance was “low” compared to the 120-130 that sometimes run at BIMP. There were 110 people, the most of any WNY event this year. Sure, it was an FLR OOR event, but they probably would have made the 90 needed to break even between FLR guys who would go regardless and WNY people. Besides that, the event was on a very hot day, on father’s day., only 2 days after 24 pretty regular autocrossers were at a lapping day. I would have been at BIMP except one day of racing per weekend is enough with family obligations.

The lapping day conflict isn’t something WNYSCCA could do anything about, and I’m told they only get a couple weekends to choose from BIMP. But, all those things that could cut down on attendance, I think 110 is pretty impressive.

People bitch about dropping BIMP because it was expensive every year, I just figured if they are taking a poll now, something out of the ordinary was up :shrug:

That being said, there are a lot of people that only come out to auto-x when the Batavia event is scheduled. So in that regard, I would say as long as the cost isn’t prohibitive, then just keep going to BIMP.

As for the comment of the event being on father’s day, I don’t think that it mattered. There were quite a few people there with their fathers having fun, and in WNY you only have so many weekends to plan with.

Looks like it’s not broke, so don’t fix it. Especially if it is always an OOR event.

If you can secure Seneca for an additional event, and you think you can pull the same amount of people, then maybe consider dropping it, but Batavia is “close” enough that people will still want to come, and it’s different enough because it’s one of the few events where cones are not involved.

I’ve never been there so I don’t want to assume anything before I vote. If I were to fuck up there and go plowing off the track, would my daily driver hit something hard?

You’d have to fuck up pretty badly, but it is possible to ruin your bumper.

I love this course, keep it!

Keep this, it’s one of the best ones we have.

I had alot of fun…

im f*n bored with it, they should run it backwards then itd be fun

How can you be bored with it? You only ran it the one time, and in someone else’s car. You were only .4 faster then when I ran my stock civic on kumho 711’s.

I like it for the same reasons that others like it. It gives me a chance to gauge how much faster I am, and if the changes to the car from year to year make any differences.

im bored with it because the pavement is shitty and its too small, its a big disappointment compared to a real track. i think some people here would agree that running it backwards would give it a little more of a thrill, especially with the straightaway becoming a downhill/drop and the S curves up hill, not to mention the braking at the end of the straight and at the non-banked monza would make people shit their pants, just my opinion…

what diffence does it make what car i ran it in? going around in that same direction every year will still get boring. just for future reference, if you drive someone elses car dont act like its your own and beat the shit out of it, i listen when michelle says not to drive over the turtles or burn up the slicks, and i adjust my ideal lines according to what the owner says. but congratulations on running whatever time i got -.4 in your stock civic. im a noob and we’re running a stock automatic beetle 2.slow with slicks, whoopie! aside from any excuses so you beat michelle in her car at RIT and made fun of her for it? i beat your ass and that was my 1st event in that car on street tires(3rd event ever). compared to a total noob such as myself, vs someone who has 3+yrs under their belt i figured youd do better.

i really dont understand why you bring lap times into things you must have something against me if you have to go dig them up.(i have no issues with you so you should just put it out there finally if you do, if your friends hate me cool i already know that). im a novice, you guys kicked me out, but i still think im a novice and that im the worst driver out there, im not knocking your driving abilities, so if you want a fun friendly no grudge challenge why dont we put some money on the table and we’ll see if i can/cant beat you in your car…


im bored with it because the pavement is shitty and its too small, its a big disappointment compared to a real track.


:uhh: It’s a go-kart track. Why are you comparing it to a full-sized track? :gotme:

Wow, I didn’t realize I pissed in your Cherios.