Shreks boosted GSR Build

Wow just read this build for the first time. :tup: car looks great


Thanks guys, This will be on the road this spring! Havent worked on it in a while but its soon to be all I work on.

Good read :tup: Nice clean work! car should be a rocket


I brought the car over to Cuba yesterday to have the exhaust welded up. I will be picking it up tomorrow. Pics to come!

i just read thru this build, looks good man.

New harness I had made! We removed a few things and added the GM 3 bar.

Made by Kataku2k3 from HT. I had talked to Chase but he was booked up for awhile.

That looks sexayyyyyyyy
Good Job man

wow, lots of time and money. I cant wait to see it done

The car is together, I turned it over and built oil pressure. Then when I went to start it I didn’t have fuel pressure. Well it turns out the fuel pump wasn’t turning on and after trying to figure out why - I just wired it up to a switch. Sort of a good thing b/c I had a few gas leaks. Fixed them. Now I have fuel but no spark? Im thinking the ECU isn’t turning on for what ever reason. Is there a way I can check this? I didn’t see a on/off wire on the ECU pin diagram?

I have not installed the new harness yet, I was trying to keep it stock as possible to start with and avoid initial problems like this.

nice looking setup hope the issues get figured out

fire it!!! nice sport for the bov

there is a 7.5 fuse that was next to your batt. i dont know where you moved it to… try that first… that is the powere for the ecu if that is in then check power to the coil when you turn key on and such. its in the helms on how to check it right… if you need help we can take it to pm’s

edit just saw you have the msd… it that getting any power ?

ya dude, msd is really really not needed…

i have seen soooo many high power honda’s with no msd…

not saying its a “bad” system, but most people that start with it, realize its not worth keeping it and ditch it b/c hondas stook ignition system is just fine…

btw, smack the pcm with a small rubber mallet a couple times… (that was not a joke)

the “vacuum box”, (the box that carries inHg from manifold to the booster) where did you get that sexy thing??

One thing I am doing this year on my egg is batt. relocate, which makes for some good room.

also, when you turn your key to “on”, does your car start making that horrible honda beep???

dont hit the ECU… yes he is right about the msd… but it should work ok

honda beep every car has that unless he took it out…i think SRS beep

thinking about it does your main realy click over? the at your right knee

I will chk this fuse later tonight thanks! I am not getting power to the coil.

What is PCM? The Vac mani is golden eagles
I know the MSD isnt needed but its in so Im going to try keeping it unless It becomes the problem

I get the beeps…

How do I know if my main realy is clicking over? Would I hear it?

yea you would hear a click when you turn the key

you can also feal it if your holding the relay…

hey nice build

Ok Ill chk it out.