Shutting down the site.

April Fools!

Due to all the latest immaturity and silly arguing I’ve decided to shut down the site and focus more on the paper.

Now I’ll finally get some time and money to finish all the projects going on and take a much needed vacation.

Enjoy the last few days.

Maybe I’ll visit motherland.

Sorry guys, I can’t take it anymore.


Are you serious… or are you serious?

somehow i dont think hes joking.

ahhhhh goddamnit… clock went to 12:01…posted @ 12:04… ya got me :headbang

ahh dammit vlad… if it wasnt for cossey… i dont think anyone would have got it. ya got me too… :headbang

You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car… Granny shiftin’ not double clutchin’ like you should. You’re lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn’t blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?


Brian: You can’t bet your dad’s car!

Jesse: It’s all right. I ain’t losing. This fool is running a Honda 2000. I’ll win, it’s all good. Then, me and my dad can roll together when he gets out of prison.

Brian: Well, they’re gonna throw him right back in prison after he kills you!

shut down the site and I’ll post a video of me shooting the mug you gave me with a .50 cal muzzle loader

I had you at hello :mwahaha

The site is powered by a single K20 in 1st gear on kerosene.

april fools lol wait wat jeffs mom is pregnant shit… lol paybacks a bitch lol

aw dammit, my clock on here is off… I’m set for central time hahaha

you should of locked it so no one can post… oh man… that would be cruel

i was thinking earlier about what april fools joke i was gonna play on my co-workers lol. good one :crackup

:wow… :lol APRIL FOOLS

i hate you so much

booo… can’t believe some of you guys actually fell for that

:wow you actually alsmost got me, i was convinced until i read the posts :lol

:crackup :haha