Shutup about the iPhone already...

I generally don’t believe anything about “shitty networks” I hear on this board, because people are such hard core humpers of one network or the other. For all the hate I see about Cingular/AT&T, I love my service there.

The keyboard, they’ve spent a ton on money on this multi-touch technology. I’m sure there will be patches when it hits production, but that is the future. It’s not even in the hands of the public yet, so it’s probably best to reserve judgement on it’s ease of use until real world people get to use it.

As for the SDK… who cares? I don’t want my phone to run Quake, I want it to surf the web, read email, play MP3’s, and be a phone. Looks like it does all that stock, and very well from the videos I’ve seen, so I don’t really need any add on 3rd party garbage.

All that said, I certainly won’t be first in line. If it delivers what the commercials have shown, with decent coverage in this area, I could see myself buying on in a few months though.