: Sigh : Why can't the Travis insanity ever end? NASIOC scammer thread...

Yea it was priceless. Cant find the thread on here

I got it…


he claimed it had 12,000 miles on it & view post #5 where member pwns :rofl

Lmao do you just save this shit on your computer?

haha no I know where it is though on RSpeed and shit

Ahh fair enough…you still are a loser

lulz. a great new addition to the story

I got nothing better to do :lol

just not as big of one as Failvis

in the local car scene in our lifetime, realistically, i dont think anyone will fail harder than travis. or even come close

probably not.

Ok we will go with that

I need confirmation on what’s happening with you guys who were interested in this for a grill.

I’m going to crush it Monday if I don’t get a word that it’s definite going elsewhere, and will then need a rather quick transition in getting it transported from here to that destination. I’m cleaning house here as the term goes and scraping some 15-20 vehicles…this is going to be the first to go starting next week.

Oh and that block = epic. Could be ok. More than likely not. Massiv Fail to post/sell it as anything other than such. $2500 is a joke. I’d give about $80 for the core crankshaft, maybe the rods too.

is the fuel pump still in this thing adam as it was a walbro right???

lol’z If there is good luc getting to it :rofl I went off the reservation on that car with the fork truck Weds afternoon to release some stress. Prolly have better luck getting to it slicing through the side of the fuel tank at this point.

hahahaha i see kid so is that the vents for the car bq

This car has enough vents in it now to stop Mt St Helens from blowing it’s top off again.

I think I might rip the roof right off it on Monday. That’ll be a good way to break in the week for me. Yes, yes I will do just that! I’ll be sure to just use the bucket with a big chain and j hook. Make it all ragged and shit…

Pictures will follow.

that’s quite the comparison :lol

and DO post pics

I definately want to see the pics of the results of you relieving some Failvis induced stress

Travis has failed so much and in so many places, he could move across the country and his fail trail would still follow him all the way.

He prob wouldn’t be able to even get an apartment due to lack of references and job experience. At 27. HAHA.

Guys, you are assholes. Travis has been in this scene since you were nothing but a cumstain in your daddys short. He DESERVES respect, and all this needs to stop. LOL.