
between this and the what’s in your fridge thread, I would say we have run out of things to talk about.


best laugh I had all week. Thank you poop-wallet.

that deserves custom title right there.

custom title

I accidentally pooped

Dont feel bad wayne I shit on you while you were sleeping yesterday. Dont sleep the whole day next time. :slight_smile:


Ive lost wallets before, had them fall out of my pocket, yada yada. Plus nobody can pick pocket me lol.


“I shat on my own wallet”

:tup: perfect

wow that was the best laugh i had from an original post in a while. sorry to hear about your misfortune tho

nice title

what kind of shit was it? solid log or explosive?

sounded explosive based on his description.

Classic case of muddbutt in the AM.

My girlfriend called me into the bathroom the other day. She pointed down to reveal a pair of toenail clippers in the toilet… I said “So”, and went to walk away. Needless to say I ended up having to get them. Luckily she doesn’t drop something in the toilet and then proceed to defecate on it…

girls dont shit, you should know that

I used to think that… I used to think they didnt fart either.

Living with a gf is a mythbusters episode every day

Actually, I’m pretty sure this is already a crosspost from there. It has the exact format and tone of a fakepost from FML, and I’ve seen plenty of people copy&paste things like this.

lol i have funnies stories that shouldnt leave my personal life :lol:

OMG, i hurt myself laughing out loud! Very nice.



Thats fucking awesome…