Sightings Thread

I know the owner as well (used to be friends with him), although I don’t talk to him because he started acting like a scumbag. He’s kind of an idiot who is much better at breaking cars and then lying about it than fixing them.

Friends with the old owner, he’s mad chill. Informed me that the timing belt tensioner doesn’t actually, you know, keep tension, which is a big part of why he wasn’t driving the car when it sold. New owner was doing 8000rpm rippers with it.

Saw mk430r’s tdi parked at westgate plaza

the jetta looks good, yeah the stache is cash.

So awesome! In love.

Yellow headlight DA integra crew rolling on western.

Teal, black and burgundy (Owens old one?) synapse stickers in window.

black Bentley sedan on Nelson avenue in Saratoga this afternoon

cool… bentley’s are gay. Saw 3 Panameras in the past couple days… starting to like them a lot

Some asshole in a new f150 tried to wreck me into a car turning into afrims on albany shaker as him and his wifed laughed,must of been a real tough guy cause at light on wolf i got out of car and was gonna beat the fuckin shit out of him but he decided to run red arrow.
At hooters theres a hot brunette that was my waitress and i was in a better mood then.ugh

google street view car (impreza wagon) in front of me on guilderland ave in rotterdam this morning

blonde chick in a black mustang this morning on alternate 7 gave me a thumbs up and told me she liked the car :slight_smile:

Seen it go past amdisthebest’s house last week, if they use the new picture the mr2, two hundge, tdi and myself and germanpsi waving will be on the site haha

Make sure you check for that lol, that’d be awesome.

i got passed by it down in cairo a couple years ago while i was towing the zuk and was disappointed when i didnt make it on there :frowning:

Saw some bro’s in a burgundy Miata on BBS’ launching amidst traffic on Central ~5pm :lol Also saw Lee from Nisky I believe in a yellow SRT ram.

oh and my buddy at work says he has seen an “older audi” come down the side street by Metro Ford and pull out on to State St. the past two days. He said he thought it had chalk on the window and the driver “tried to get on it, had it squatting and I could hear boost but it looked slow.” I was laughing about it, figuring it might be the 2hunj without the boot put into it?

They are my friends. Green, Blue, and Burgundy. Don’t know who Owen is but it might be his old car (ive heard his car has been passed around), he bought it from a kid name mike. 2 of the DA’s have synapse stickers, I don’t think the burgundy on has them.

deff the two hunj

I saw them roll by on western also. Probably the Deckers

2 of them are, the other is Alger

Nick alger?

He has that sweet eclipse.