Sightings Thread

haha wow… vlad really loves specialkid

no, it’s probably just because i don’t regularly break the few and very lenient rules.
pretty sure that’s my first offence.

nah… i doubt it

How many chances have you gotten in the past?

Maybe you need to check the sticky again in the Trashbin?

Sorry… didn’t mean to offend you and your boy.

Hahah my boy? Seems like you and Lance are fighting to get the attention of your new boy toy. I could care less as long as he gets fair treatment just like the other members.

He says some left field stuff that’s plain wrong or biased, he gets flack for it, it’s all fair.

You guys are like teenage girls at a Bieber concert, have to talk about him or get his attention every 10 seconds.


I mean… would I like to give specialkid a mustache ride? Maybe

i couldn’t have phrased it better.

Theressss my boy toyyyyy :gay

Specialbro are you busy tonight? I’d love to take you out.

I’ve actually just been mean when I can so you’ll like me.

(in my best gay voice)


Leave him alone Chad… hes MY man

Reported for gay discrimination. :Idiots

:excited I’d watch that.


black or dark blue grand cherokee two cars behind me on 155 around 3:45. Looked like it had an intercooler in the front lower grille.

Pulled into the central ave-155 mobil station.

Member on here?


You’re a good new guy JP.