Sightings Thread

it was a joke you doofus. You should’ve beeped or waved


Horn is busted at the moment and it was dark.

My mention of the sighting isn’t good enough for you? :cry:

nope not nearly good enough, specialkid will get negged for this when my powers recharge


you think he’s kidding, too bad he’s so fucking immature he negs me for no reason other then for the hell of it. same with Cossey, and murrdouche, capitalcrew, and about half of the other active users of this forum. i think there’s only 2 people that havent negged me, and that’s you, Vlad, and PJB.

I literally can’t neg you…

not now, you cant. but before you turned into the shit can mod you did, and gratuitously

No way in hell you will be graduating highschool.

challenge accepted, and you’ll be the first to receive a picture of my diploma, and a nice 2 word letter accompanying it.

Didn’t know many letters had multiple words

They’ve been abusing rep before plenty of times.

Soon enough I’ll just disable them from being able to give out any.

“letter” as in those pieces of paper old people write on and send to each other.

That sounds more like a note.

someone’s had their jimmies rustled today

Hey numb nuts, I neg rep you when your posts lack quality and content. I also neg you when you simply post something retarded, as your original forum name implied. Go look through your rep log, I’d be willing to bet I negged you seven times max during the month of March. I’ll be Neg repping you for the first time in April once I get to a computer.

Skidretard are you fucking serious? Who gives a flying fuck if they’re neg repping you or not? Is it effecting your daily life? Obviously must be if you found it necessary to write that huge reply about it. Idiot

there was nobody around it when I stopped my truck to take that pic.

So its really an old guy and not a PR?


I cry myself to sleep when I get neg repped.
Interwebz > real world

True true. I’m negging you RIGHT NOW BITCH.
