Sightings Thread

black srt8 jeep at northline and 50 heading northbound this morning around 6:15

purple first gen prelude with a big intercooler, no front bumper, and a slideny sticker on the windshield turning off of malta onto northline tonight around 7:15

Just got t-boned by a Veyron after work, it was fucking sick guys.

…at least it wasnt a bitch car…ppl would be all like, “Can you BELIEVE that guy got hit by a PRIUS!!! what a pussy! …FUCK!”

I thanked him and everything, I feel blessed

Not sure if this is what dude means but the pinto was a terrible design. The fuel tank was right behind the rear bumper causing the car to bust into flames in a rear impact. If he was in a pinto and not a G35 with excellent engineering he would probable be dead!

Still don’t understand the Prius??

But any way sucks your car got nailed It looked nice and clean. I hope it gets totaled for you to get new G35!

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there has to be frame damave on that esp at 70 any airbags? i know u were stopped but they may havr popped

no hes just retarded

Thought that at first. Reread his post, the car in question wasn’t hit from the rear.


Maybe he means if the pinto was in a sweet drift and lost it and then hit him flying backwards…

My brain hurts!

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I saw a purple Toyota Paseo with a plastic alligator on the roof, spike on the hood and turkey feathers covering the trunk on route 20 in New Lebanon tonight and my truck’s twin on 20 in Pittsfield. Same graphics on the bottom.

Did your mommy and daddy tell you that? “Don’t listen to those older guys, they’re just trying to make themselves feel good”
Get real. I’m not “picking” on you, I’m pointing out your absolute retarded posts(which is a majority/most of your posts…ok, ALL of them).

OT, just saw some guy get rear ended by a guy on drugs trying to pull the wheels in his 'Cuda…The guy that got rear ended is so badass to be able to tell people that’s what rear ended him!!!


Maybe you drove past a mirror pjb? I cant imagine ford making a duplicate of such a masterpiece as yours, they’d be losing money with the pussy magnet they have installed in such a model.

Please, skidmark would like it if you used “FoMoCo” when referring to Ford.

I was driving a UD box truck at the time. Ive actually seen the truck twice in the same area and its definitely got the same decals. I think they were dealer applied at some point, not factory applied.

Were you driving the work truck the other times you saw the truck? What my hypothesis is, someone is trying to be as awesome as the one and only jellies, is stealing your truck during the day, pimpin all over abs then bringing it back. Think about it man

unless they unhooked the odometer, took out the driving lights, put the same exact amount of gas back in it (less than 1/4 tank) and put MA plates on it I highly doubt that.

But what you’re saying is…its a possibility?

sorry jelly , i was bored today at work