Sightings Thread

They drive into the country and shove broken drive axles up each others asses for sure.

Death on Albany st earlier. Flashed the high beams at ya

Thought that was you. I waved but looked like i flipped you off.

I could barely even see you in the car tbh. I’m always around that area

Red Cobalt SS with the optional factory forged wheelz FLYING down 87s. I swear the air behind the car was broken up, any faster and it would have emitted a fucking sonic BOOM!

saw my freshly painted truck get rear ended on central by kohls, thankfully shit is high as fuck and absolutely nooo damage lol… at least to my truck.

Who was driving it? I would’ve gotten PISSED!

i was lol… i jumped out, called the guy a stupid fuck, inspected the truck and saw no damage, gave him the finger and spun off lol.

every car you have gets hit on central ave, just another day.

this is very true lol

lol holy fuck, only you.

I saw a dude that looked like Kid Rock at the gym today

I would eat the shit out of a dead hookers ass to own that car :excited

Who lol? That dude with the long pony tail and backwards hat?


That dude was air guitaring pretty hard at some points too haha


i always wear a backwards hat at best.

I always do no jokes. Black dc hat