Saw a red wingless SRT-4 with blacked out tail lights and wheels at the Hannaford parking lot in Albany
I think thats Fonda, the kid that tried to scam Jim with a wheel trade
black 82 vw rabbit with a orange vinyl thing on the windshield that says “wabbit”
yup thats him.
lol def. Fonda
Flat black '80’s 300ZX with neon green graphics and an Erector set wing on 146 in CP this morning.
I saw a guy riding a Honda motorcycle on route 7 in Niskayuna this afternoon
Did anyone else see the Colonie cruiser that was all smashed up on Central Ave a few nights ago?
My dad told me about it, I forgot the whole story but he’s got it over at the garage…I think he said it was some rookie cop that lost control.
Saw an older Saab and a new Saturn 4dr. go flying past me on 87 last night. The dumbass in the Saab almost ran into the back of my car, he must have been going over 100mph.
Oh yeah I saw chris in the Cobalt getting off exit 6 turning right onto Route 7 last night at like 1045
Was on my way home from skiing up at West Mountain. Conditions sucked towards the end of the night, it was all ice. :bh:I also knocked over some jailbait bitch… I came flying down the mountain and she decided to swerve in front of me at the last second… and down she went :rofl
was going on I90E to armory to check out the 370Z (fucking sick, BTW), and going west there was a big 6 or 7 car carrier truck with only one car on it, a silver e36 m3 vert with a blue top and LTW wheels. looked clean as fuck.
Yellow and green Ford Festiva painted like the Green Bay Packers with a Packers helmet on the roof on 9&20 in East Greenbush this afternoon.
You see some interesting cars man.
Yeah, I sure do. Im on the road most of the day and Im all over the area.
Half the time, Paul’s head is in his ass…so he sees a lot of things going in and out…
Bring a camera and take pics of these things, lol.
I saw a Saturn SC-1 or whatever on 87 last night with a huge wing, straight piped exhaust, and 3 gauge pod and some outrageous front bumper. I tried to get a pic but it didn’t come out. He had some ridiculous AFR gauge that kept going from lean to rich :rofl It was auto too… he saw my car and got next to me and floored it (in rush hour traffic mind you). Complete toolbag. I maintained my 70mph crusing speed and got a nice laugh.
I should but with my luck Id crash the truck taking pics.
Saw a 90 something black chevy tahoe with a vinyl banner across the windshield that said “Touched by Family” :rofl