Sightings Thread

that’s some gangster car club, they have an EG coupe that rolls around HVCC with the same decal…:rofl

Uncle Bad Touch?

Seriously who would want to be in a club by that name?

saw a nice white sti as I was getting off of Rt. 7 to go up to State St. the sti was going from state street, to rt. 7 , looked nice tho

Saw something that made my night.

I’m sitting in the lefthand turn lane on route 9 by DD and firestone (I forget the road I was turning on’s name, but I was on rt. 9). Some fucking moron in the straight lane next to me has his left signal on… Light goes green, and the moron guns it and cuts off not one, not two, but THREE!! lanes of traffic! Cars laid on their horns in disgust. I flashed my highbeams at him and honked as he almost took my front bumper off. Then, something amazing happened…

There was a cop in the straight lane that the dumbass cut off :rofl Cop gives chase, flicks on his lights, and has the jackass pulled over a few hundred feet from the intersection. I could see people clapping and beeping, it was fucking epic. I slowed down to about 5mph as I drove past the officer and the car, and luckily the cop was just getting out of the car as I was going past him. He looked over, I gave thumbs up, and he nodded in return. Shit made my night :slight_smile:

^haahhahah sounds like something out of a feel-good movie :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Haha !! Nice

Altima se-r, flooring it under bridges and honking at black people

what color? :ninja

This makes a great Mentos commercial. :up

:rofl thats awesome man

Saw Brett wizzing past me on Central in the 'yota at about 4am this morning…I was doing approx. 6-10mph

fucking insomniacs

I’ve seen that bad boy before… some old guy drives it :rofl

yeah that guy is always up in E greenbush. ITS EPIC THOUGH.

You were turning onto RT. 155 heading towards the Colonie Police Station/Airport. My brother lived on that road for a while.

Otherwise, epic indeed. Guy musta been so embarrassed.

yeah, about time a cop was in the right place to pull somebody over who actually deserved it.

I was working…:squint

Thats what I am saying! Bout fucking time.

That happens all the time, “Where are the cops when you actually need them???” I bet everyone was thinking the same thing and then shit their pants in joy when a cop actually WAS right there:rofl:rofl:rofl

The usual assortment of retarded winter drivers…