Sightings Thread

saw a nice clean red celica gts on route 7 today, anyone know him ? seemed like he was showin off a bit lol:mamoru:

white sti with adr rims at colonie center yesterday 4ish. also a red g35 coupe with black /chrome wheels. svt focus w a donut!!

Saw JTViggen by the airport on my way home from HVCC around 815 or so this evening. I laid on the horn a million times once I saw that it was him :rofl

sean big sean at advance in latham.

hahaha I was driving to my interview on central ave around 5ish and I had some dude in a tow truck messin with me lol it was funny as hell, the truck had some balls lol, so I downshifted and pulled, he still tryed to keep up LOL funny as hell…then he flashed me and waved ,looked like a younger kid.

whos sean big sean?

I would have mooned u

community rugrat


:rofl sweeeeeet, buttcheeks ftw :rofl

I may only weigh 140lbs but I have a fattyyyyy, I bet you would enjoy it :open_mouth:

oh, you know it

wtf just happened

sarcasm just happened. :rofl

Chris describes how fat his ass is for only weighing 140lbs.

Tricia proceeds to get wet.

Shift518 e-flirting just happened kramerducks

omg hahahahaha I most certainly would not get my panties in a bunch over a guys ass lol


Mine’s soo sexy though…

pics of said sexy fatyyyy or ban

Just Kiddin :rofl

OMG just remembered. last week i saw a blackie ridin a 10 speed schwinn on rt9 by osborne with NO TIRES ON IT. I WAS DYINGGG!!!