Sightings Thread

Did he buy that m3?

I saw what looked like Fonda’s Neon on a Dawson’s flatbed on State Street in Schenectady this morning and the girl with the red and black SRT4 with Nevada plates pulling into Taco Bell in CP this afternoon.

:rofl that was probably him driving the truck

I dont know what he does for a living. I really dont know him at all.

He works at Dawson’s driving their trucks

Ok well now I know.

did anyone see my champ. white integra yet lol ive been around latham…thing is too loud to drive in deff. only a weekend car

I think I saw you in the RSX the other day, I was pulling out of Siena in my Trans Am

yessss you did i seen u in front of stewarts

Yeahh I knew I saw you somewhere

yeah, he stopped at my shop on his way back from LI with it.

-DC2nick as he cut me off in the drive thru
-Bunch of sick cars in/around the NYC/NJ/LI area today…
on the way there saw E93 M3 (i only know bc it said E92 or some small sticker i couldnt make out the rest…) Vs a brand new ish 545i in traffic cutting people off and what not… fun to watch
-Drunk guy in a brand new mini van with his family… swerving in/out lanes quick…
Alot more…

And this! My car hit puberty today! so proud of her!

Red SRT is Ashley. Shes a Local. but Moving to Las Vegas

Fonda works for Dawson’s now… Scary…

I saw a Caliber SRT-4 in my rearview mirror on wed evening. I was going up the northway nothbound from wolf road and he was playing catch up. He pulled along side of me and paced me, so I dropped 3rd at 65 and put the hammer down.

haha, please tell me its white/red interior. :rofl

Yep… 06 with low miles… reallly clean car


I did like my car, I may end up buying another for for a daily someday.

Interior was so dope on that car.

wow thats ballin

Yeah that bitch was superhot.

Black ('07+) Mazdaspeed3 / RallyArmor Flaps, COBB sticker, TBE
Seemed like a fun car (6spd,260hp/280lb-ft) pretty quick :thumb