Sightings Thread

saw some lady driving a mustang with plates that said SHLBYGRL

Working across the street where?

where your car is

You were working on my street? Doing what?

im putting in a pool in at the house on the corner…ill be there all day monday

Was this truck black extended cab? 90’s chevy ?

Booooty Calllllll

I’ll be at work all day Monday. :lol

No fair! I wish I worked close to her house, I could get lunch brought to me everyday!

Yeah you seen him/her?

Being close to my house during the day doesn’t mean you get lunch - I work in East Greenbush during your lunch time. :lol

u should make me some cookies sunday night and leave em outside for monday :smiley:

What are you Santa Claus? :rofl

Honda CR-V flipped onto its roof today around 1pm on Wolf right in front of the Shoppers Park. Other car involved looked to be a beat 3000GT. Didn’t look good, hope no one was killed. :-\

maybe i am

How do you flip a car over on wolf road where the average vehicle speed is around, oh, 25mph? That’s what I want to know.

Because idiots are out there.

and the plot thickens:ninja

saw this outside of rac92eglovesthedicks house today

saw a dumped a6 in east greenbush
and a black evo 8 or 9 with at least an exhaust on 15th in troy late last night

On i90 about a half hour ago I was in the left lane doing 70mph passing a truck with a bunch of bedding in the back. This white Camry comes FLYING up behind me and begins tailgating. Myself being the kind, courteous driver that I am, signaled and watched him stunt on by. His girlfriend and him looked at me like I had two heads, so I waved at them.

About 5 minutes up the road, my radar starts picking up Ka. I was thinking to myself “watch that tool in the Camry get pulled over” and SURE ENOUGH :rofl It was him, pulled over by a statey.

I gave him a honk as I casually drove by at a steady 65 mph. He looked PISSED :lol