Sightings Thread

wasnt doing any of that, just watching. you arent one to talk mr. nitrous k20

Mr. Obsidian with the call out

Saw a nice 370z while downtown lastnight!

I don’t know where you get your info from, but my car doesn’t have nitrous.
Thanks for playing though.
You can still get in as much trouble for watching.

Watching in the eyes of law enforcement makes you just as guilty.

And really guy? You don’t have anything better to do with your Saturday nights than park your car on the side of washington ave and watch lowclass white trash / PR’s bark the tires up and down?


Your cars dumpy and you are a putz

i was there for the old school muscle show:excited they are way better than the sportorican hondas

Bingo, Police don’t care if you’re watching or racing. They’ll nail you equally.

Especially down there associating with the idiots.

alright i apologize for the call-out, im just mad and im taking my frustration out on somebody else. sorry for not being mature about it.

It’s fine, but DO NOT let it happen again

Yea but your car still sucks

yea u oughta be kiiidddd


There is no old school muscle scene. It’s high school dropouts and the “scum of the town” racing around in their 2000 dollar daily drivers because they never learned how to socialize with respectable people on their free time.

oh, well there were a ton of muscle cars parked in the mcdonalds lot with a bunch of older guys standing around and talking

That’s a first.

Nah, the “muscle car” guys are there every week. Saw a few last night on our way by

they were legit muscle cars, chevy nova, z28 camaro, 50s bel air and a bunch more all fully built cars. no clunkers

Logic says if you don’t have one of those cars then you shouldn’t be associating with them. :lol