Sightings Thread


red Ferrari convertible on a roll back on the northway this afternoon

Black neon with a boot on it by SUNY’s downtown dorms today, apparently they will not be running for a while.

Saw a SICK older red Porsche (I dont even know models, so im not even going to attempt to guess) on 787 in cohoes leaving work today.

Had a sticker across the back window that said “” Sitting next to it at a light the exhaust smelled great, race seats, and what appeared to be a cage

Wow, TOTALLY forgot about these guys…probably the most knowledgeable German car shop in the area.

Saw a silver 05ish STi race an 09’ish blue STi on Rt5 today at around 8 oclock from a light.

smart motherfuckers right there man .there cars run very well

I figured as much, car seem to run nice. Granted, being on the crappy end of 787 i didnt get to see him really get on it

there right in albany .

Yeah, I just looked them up, damn near across the river from my house haha. Never heard of em

corner of tivoli street and South Pearl

Saw Skateshelter on Central Ave @ Manning Blvd approximately 9am. I waved from the amberlamps and freaked him out. LoL.

Also spotted E-Muscles in the bimmer on Shaker Rd by the air port driving like a dick… =P

Yesterday on the clinton ave exit I got stuck behind this bad ass biker and his bitch on the back.

Sketchy as fuck. That poor 250 scooter, a back tire 3 inches wide by 14 inches in dia, with two riders just isnt ment to hit 6" tall expansion bumps off i-90. I thought i was going to see them get into a major tank slapper. he almost hit the concrete wall on the bridge twice becasue he cant turn worth a shit. They were absolutely stuipd for riding that thing at 8AM in rush hour. and the bitch on the back had a big black plastic bag she was hanging on to with shit in it. She had cotton “winter” girls knitted gloves on, some stupid ass half cut bennie helmet. idiots.

Also last night around 6pm, at exit 24 east bound a mini van forgot to tighten the lug nuts launched the drivers front wheel/tire across the median head on into the westbound traffic creaming another minivan. the side of the other mini van looked like a Nascar with a big old crumpeled and rubber scuffed side. lol Fucking minivans.

Saw ollie getting on 90 the same way I was going then saw a trooper in pursuit and saw him get yanked on the everett rd exit. What did he get you for?

saw big red in a wonderfully gay subaru outback today

Saw Pete in the TDI on the bridge by SCCC on Rt. 5.

Black genesis coupe 2.0t sitting on bbs lm’s with kdm led tails.
Sounded like it had a tial q.

Saw a yellow Gallardo coupe on the bridge entering Scotia, and another yellow Gallardo spyder on central ave tonight :open_mouth:

I won’t even get into this but stay away if you own a P-car. Lots to say, not enough time.

~90% of my customers = P-car, and the ones I don’t get in I send to Daniel Jacobs( who are by far the best Porsche based facility on the east coast. I’d send my customers to Langan before R&D

With that said I saw this sweet white R33 crusie past my shop doors today. Smelled like C16 in the tank :tongue

i havent heard anything bad bout them adam ,p/m me your findings