Sightings Thread

I’m always late so I’m never in a rush. I’m driving the escort now so IDGAF who hits it/dings it. I’ll keep that in mind for the spring though.

Haha. I have a few dings/scrapes but hey the thing’s a daily, it’s bound to happen sooner or later!

I saw a white Silverado with a busted up old army helicopter on its ladder rack on route 20 in Nassau. Part of an election campaign because it had signs that said vets for Gibson on it.

saw a red ZR1 in clifton park today.

red on that car is NASTY

Saw a bunch of hilarious shit go down at HVCC today, between 2 and 4 pm. :rofl :rofl :rofl

Did it involve black people and a well aimed fire hose?

need more details

Do we want a… picture? Do we Vot Vot, do we? lol

saw myself almost lose it in a turn i take almost everyday.

then saw a camry with black flames, very well done.

and then an identical copy to this.

Saw a sweet red Porsche 997 this afternoon pulling out of Siena

Dr. Ellard stuntin’ HARD

You sure it was Dr. Ellard? Didn’t look like him

I like to imagine that it was him, with his long hair flapping in the wind and seagulls shitting on the paint.

yeah and shitting on his face because he gets a BIG DICK over being an ASSHOLE

I know :rofl

Ta hell with that cholo. My failure of a freshman year, we used to drive by his office with the megaphone shouting " DR. ELLARD!!!". He actually came running outside the one time we did it like 3 times in a row. :rofl :rofl :rofl

I miss 2007. :frowning:

loling bigtime over these two stellar posts

Nah S.Cranmer would never swap back. fucker has a full 32-35 lineup in his garage now :lol

saw dave rollin in eleanor today… things sweet i love it

Saw Johnnyk fixing a flat on the side of rt.9 on my way to class this afternoon

i do not remember this, please enlighten me, was i drunk?