Oh yeh i heard about that. Holy shit that could have been bad news!
saw a b5 s4 yellow avant with rims up on grooms road tonight… shit look pretty sweet
Saw Lance …Bri and Kevin and Aleroboy
yeah i think he said his dad had the rumblebee
yellow soft top s2k with a single out exhaust on columbia turnpike. and a black catfish cameo with a billet grille parked next to carpinello oil on columbia turnpike
That kid with the s2k is a turd. Claims his car is extremely fast/built and its just exhaust. The camaro is my friends, heads cam manifold TB tune gears full exhaust.
Colonie Center = clusterfuck. CPD was even there writing tickets to people parked in the fire lane. :rofl
Just saw mk4 30r. Tried saying hi, pretty much gotna fuck off. Then just had a little fun with a sleeper volvo/saab on 90-787. They have to be on here.
had a wingless silver evo 8/9 with a carbon trunk/hood trying to race me on the way home from work. Had an exhaust, boost gauge,upgraded fmic, who knows wwhat else, seemed to move out pretty good
Have seen that evo at khols a few times this summer. Thats all it has if its the same one. Stock tune and all.
tdi logik can chime in but i believe that is the one he messed around with, car seems to run okay for the few mods it has and the owner is a cool dude.
Saw a blue b5 S4 with a exhaust on 146. sounded good when he was getting on it
Negative he was white, id guess reallll early 30’s if not late 20’s
idk who it was
if its the guy im thinkin of, can’t get it out of thge 13s
ummm i don’t think i raced that slug but idk
who are you leoniadas
saw a dark blue E60 M5 on Rt.7 in Latham this morning. Dude booted it after he passed me
Just seen cowey wusso on i90 by Everett.
nah man, the damn diesel doesnt heat up very quickly, so i had no heat and i was ice cold, also just got off work, just trying to go home
i saw you rip by as i pulled out, thing is LOUD
sick black evo on 787.