Sightings Thread

18 y/o spoiled brat yo!

Saw myself get pulled over in the M for the first time in Cohoes.

I went down a short one way (this street is literally like 2 tractor trailer lengths long) after dropping off one of the girls I went to Jiminy Peak with because I always forget they changed it to one way a few months ago (I’m only in that area like once a month).

As I was rolling to a stop on the one way, he rolled by and immediately pulled over waiting to do a u-turn. I pulled out and immediately pulled over.

Cop - “Good evening fellas. This your car?”
Me - “Yes sir.”
Cop - asks for the usual license, etc.
Cop - “And you’re Ilya? You know why I pulled you over?”
Me - “Yes sir. I went against that short one way back there and I apologize. I always forget cause it used to not be a one way. And good job on the name, some people tend to butcher it.”
Cop - “Oh, I’m a hockey fan. And yeah, they changed it a few months ago.”
Me - “Ilya Kovalchuk yeah?”
Cop - “Yep. Where ya coming from?”
Me - “Just dropped a girl off. We’re on our way back from Jiminy Peak.”
Cop - “How was the powder?”
Me - “Pretty good, they got 2” of fresh stuff earlier in the day."
Cop - “Nice, where ya goin now?”
Me - “Gotta bring these two guys home and then I’m headin home.”
Cop - “Okay, sit tight.” *calls in my license ID right there, gets an a’okay from the dispatcher"
Cop - “Okay, have a good night fellas. Merry Christmas.”
All three of us - “Merry Christmas to you too!”

lol. Was completely oblivious to the fact I have a tinted windshield. Guy was awesome.

I wish more cops were like that, meaning don’t hassle for stupid simple shit. Just pull them over, if they act civilized to you and aren’t drunk/high, and it was really a small deal then just give them a warning and let them enjoy their night/day.

He was probably in his late 30’s. Swell guy.

By way, donuts in AWD cars are pretty awesome. I did one at Jiminy and the car just stood in one spot spinning. T’was awesome.

Merry Christmas is right.

Black EK Civic with FMIC on Albany st yesterday around 3pm.

I just saw this jem, of what appeared to be a fiero (at least it was in 1985). It looked like some on fiberglassed carbon fiber sheets to the entire car. The front looked like a cardboard box was fiberglassed to it. I drove around to get a better picture, of the front, but a crowd was gathered pointing and laughing at it outside the local movie theater.

Sorry for the crappy pic:

Seen member psi2high, from the passenger seat of his vehicle, proceed to stray off the road, into a series of mammoth potholes thus completely blowing out his right front tire/destroying the rim.


lol when was this haha, he pushed a shopping cart with his car last night leaving raffertys haha

We’re you givin him mouth sexy-time? Haha sorry joke was too easy to pass up.

Actually, NO. It was more like 4 - 1 liter pitchers of Long Island iced tea’s a piece for our outing today before shopping.

Lemme guess seans pants just happened to be unzippered…

mmmmmm. long island iced teas were my jam before i discovered quattro crazies this summer :rofl

ahah you know it.

Hahaha u guys are sick, long island ice teas remind me of paulies hotel days… Blow outs were preset


Heard Paulie’s is opening up again. Forgot where i heard that, if I really did at all. Not to sure haha

Yeah they opened last weekend, crazy how everyone found out so quick. 25 cent drafts back in the day

lol this was an interesting call for help in the middle of my family dinner

Lmao omg.

I went there once a long time ago and I felt like me and the group of people I was with were the only ones that were of legal drinking age.

We only went there because a friend of a friend couldnt find his license so he couldnt get into the Big House club. He got into Paulie’s with another guys ID and he was a PR and the other guy was white.

Every drink seemed like it was watered down and the place was a dirty shithole.

hilarious kia with black graphics going along the aside of the car, big spoiler in the back and to top it off the stock exhaust was “custom” bent and hung dead in the middle of the car lol like a mini cooper.

silver with MA plates?
Ive seen that car a few times. I believe atleast one of the graphics says Spectra Racing on it.