Sightings Thread

Dude… MUST you ALWAYS talk shit? I think your VW is the biggest peice of shit bitch car out there but I dont say anything, I get NOTHING but fucking compliments on my car exept when I come on shift and here douches like you talk. Seriously, my wheels are worth your VW, stop talking already.

Saw Aero93 in his new whip!

saw pics of it!
looks good!

His time spent serving this country for your rights and freedom is worth your life. Please stop typing. Thanks.

there you go running your mouth about materialistic things and how your such a baller and comparing your wheels to other dudes cars.

Dude, shut up, im sick and tired of dudes with no room to talk shit doing just that…talking shit… If the dude owned a lamborghini or something I could easily understand him calling a 5 yr old bmw a peice of shit, but becuase hes driving a dumpy shitbox VW with well over 200k miles he has no fucking right which is why I compared my wheels to his car.

The dude also has a nasty bike, has served in the military and had a fast ass VW. Just because of his current car, you shouldn’t be commenting on it when you dont know anything about the past.

if your sick and tired of the dudes here, then just leave and dont come back. Its that simple.

we got rid of t-monieee now we got this doushe . greattttttttttttt . does your car get tuned by redline seein as your wheels are baller ?

Just saw me pulling cody’s truck out of a snowbank at x-gates while the g-land police and mall cops watched:rofl:rofl

Im pretty sure my wheels cost more then yours since they came with the car and weren’t purchased separately so suck on that one:haha

Im gonna leave becuase 2-3 of you are faggots? Theres alot of great dudes on here that dont talk shit at all. Why would I care about a car he USED to have? lol WTF? My second car ever was a dodge viper, why would I talk about a car that I owned years ago lol? What does serving in the military have to do with talking shit about my car? Its cool and all that hes doing it but idk the dude, 75% of dudes that I know of that joined the Military joined becuase they had nothing else lol… Its a gaurenteed job, gaurenteed food and gaurenteed carreer… When I was fucked up I almost joined the marines as well… When I was at meps I heard all the stories of why people were joining, 10% of them were doing it for the country, 90% of them were doing it becuase they hate there family, wernt good in school, the benefits or some other wrong reason. Maybe hes not a douche and joined for the right reason but I dont know, sounds like he is…

You got rid of T money becuase your a jealous prick who wishes he was in his shoes… Hell, I wish I was… I’ve seen posts from the dude and he REALLY wasnt that bad, didnt talk shit that I could see, just defended himself from the shit talking thrown at him… People were involving themselves in HIS business where it didnt belong. Im pretty sure hes not too torn though leaving shift seeing how hes considering daily driving a quarter million dollar lamborghinis yr round while 90% of members on heres cars dont add up to a tenth of his, myself included.

[QUOTE=love4boost;732895]Im gonna leave becuase 2-3 of you are faggots? Theres alot of great dudes on here that dont talk shit at all. Why would I care about a car he USED to have? lol WTF? My second car ever was a dodge viper, why would I talk about a car that I owned years ago lol? What does serving in the military have to do with talking shit about my car? Its cool and all that hes doing it but idk the dude, 75% of dudes that I know of that joined the Military joined becuase they had nothing else lol… Its a gaurenteed job, gaurenteed food and gaurenteed carreer… When I was fucked up I almost joined the marines as well… When I was at meps I heard all the stories of why people were joining, 10% of them were doing it for the country, 90% of them were doing it becuase they hate there family, wernt good in school or some other wrong reason. Maybe hes not a douche and joined for the right reason but I dont know, sounds like he is…

Aren’t you still fucked up?

hmm… Im 21 yrs old, have a decent job, have two cars that I enjoy and am house hunting right now, I think im doing alright… Your cars getting snowed on outside synapse… why is that? hmmm…

ban 1

dude im not getting into it but you are so misinformed and shit its not even funny about the T money shit but whatever. Enjoy your stay here…

and as far as the military comment goes, I have a cousin that was a over in Iraq for two years. He was a top of the line electrician before he left, has a very loving family and is the nicest dude you will ever meet. Nice house prior to the military and a amazing wife…Why did he join the military? not because of money, not because of family issues, because he WANTED to make something more of himself and serve this country. Its easy to twist things around in your favor when your behind a key board while others are sitting in 110* Temperatures keeping this country the way it is…and besides from being the nicest dude, he is the one to knock a pricks teeth in from getting out of line.

Love4boostfag… ban 1


:retardclap And why do i care?

Some people say his shit don’t stink, or that he set the cross country driving record by doing it in just over 16 hours on his way back to NY, but all we know, it that he’s our beloved Brett.

Love4boost I’ll give you credit for at least not judging the entire site by a few members, which is more than can be said for many other members.

Well it sounds like your cousins one of the 10% doesnt it? Im not making shit up, im talking from the little experience I have… I took my asvab, I took my phsyical, I went to meps and stayed at the hotel the night before you get shipped to paris island… Out of like 8 people that I asked, I think only one was joining to help there country.

thanks… Def alot of good dudes on here man, just a few douchbags with no lives lol, making fun of someone for there lights or buying replica wheels instead of name brand wheels for thousands more on a daily driven car LOL. Shit like that makes me laugh