Sightings Thread

love4boost you need to shut the fuck up now… you are sounding like a complete retard

Are you gonna make me shut up you little bitch? I will fucking drop kick you back into your mothers pussy you little terd.


oh I am soooo fuckin scared !


…Why? No need to be scared when you’d never meet up with me in real life… Dont worry, your safe playing tough guy behind your keyboard in mommy and daddys house.

what do you do here besides start shit and make threats? bash peoples cars? relate to money etc? Seriously? What do YOU think you do good here?

hah ill meet up with you in real life , I don’t give a shit honestly .

Ya my best friend is a navy seal married got a daughter…coming home from iraq in two weeks …y??? Well while we were home for the holidays spending time with our families …he was out getting shot at…So deff not cool for anyone making fun fun of anyone in the military …

I bash peoples cars? I believe my car was being bashed… To answer your last question with a question, what does ANYONE do good on here? This is a good for nothing forum to waist time at. Nothing gets accomplished here, people come on here to waist time.

this shit is hilarious keep it coming, i could stay on all night reading this

How about right now? Too late for you? Got school tommorow? Big test? Mom and dad wont let you back inside? Lets just play a game of mercy, no fighting (unless ya want to)… First one to drop to the floor looses…

You sir need to come out this season and put your money where your mouth is. You talk a lot of game but do not know half of these people on this site . Can’t wait for the one day you get knocked out or beat in a race

You sir need to act tough like you are right now while im standing right next to me… Knocked out, I doubt it, beatin in a race, im not doubting it. Cars are my hobby, not my life, there are people on this site that eat sleep and breathe cars… I dont.

see, thats where your wrong.

This forum is for the 518 local car enthusiasts that share the same interest. Who cares if this dude has a Lambo, and that dude drives a Geo? Yah, we are here to Waste time, but we share the same interest. Not to listen to some dude say “my wheels cost more then your dumpy vw” or Bash a mentally challenged kid on facebook and people that join the military and go over sea’s so you can enjoy the cars you have.

I am the same age as you motherfucker. Stop acting all hard body on here , your a fuckin joke. PM me if you really have a problem with me …

Dukes gonna duke it out?

(see what I did there?)


Hard body? And what does age have to do with anything? lol… Regaurdless, pm’d ya.

you really made fun of a mentally challenged kid? What a fuckin scumbag if this is true