Sightings Thread


I got ladukes back yo!

Apprently we DO do those things on shift 518 as im not the first person to bring up the retard joseph washburn, and certainly not the first person to call someone elses car a peice of shit…

there better be a race in the spring…way too much tension on here

so you did make fun of a retarded kid is what you are saying …

I just hope there is the same talk in the spring as now…

its shift … so probably haha

I did make fun of a kid that is claimed to be a retard, however I believe he is only a friendless kid that likes to post fake pictures of cars that he says he owns and asks for naked pictures of my girlfriend on a semi weekly basis not a retard… Why are you talking to me on here when you just pm’s me? Need the publicity of shit members?

no, your not, bot you initially do it in countless threads.

I drove a POS 1990 Cherokee as a DD. Guess what? I like the damn thing just as much as my camaro so I relate to someone who isnt as fortunate as me.

as far as what? Fighting talk or Racing?

all I know is everybody getting all pumped up now for nothing its only january 3rd…happy new year everybody…see ya spring…

I mentioned the kid in two threads in which he contacted me two times in which as well happen to be funny… And your preeching to the wrong party man, I drove shitboxes as well, but guess what? When I drove those shitboxes I kept my mouth shut about other peoples shitboxes… There was no need to talk shit about my fucking lights, end of story… If no comment was made, I would not have brought up his VW or comparing it to my wheels, get off your boys cock and grasp the fact that your boys in the wrong.

keepin it p/c very nice

Bunch of lesbians.

I can do both… dude your a scumbag . People like you just need to crawl back up in there rat holes and not say shit .

Spring? I’ll see you on friday in the newely painted s2000… Hope it snows.

Whatever it may be…but there better be some racing involved…lol

so basically you cant take a negative opinion about something you own without going into the deep end about it? Dont post up about it then if you expect 100% positive feedback. Everyone has different taste here.

…this guy ^

Keepin it p/c ???