Sightings Thread

Think i followed HANSTECH through 24 tolls and down I-90 to 787

yes most likey. what were you in?


its FNskanks old mk2 gli. I think the kids name is matt or mike IIRC

i remember seeing that car before

I miss that car

yea, good lookin car. we should get Pete to build another one

good luck. he has been out of work for over a year. he has 2 BMWs he said hes done with VWs

yea, i doubt he’s actually gonna build more of em. it didnt seem like he enjoys them as much as M3’s

I saw a guy riding a motorcycle this afternoon on 146 in Rexford.

I also saw a guy with tattoos all over his face and a Tap Out logo tattooed on the back of his head on State street in Schenectady.

saw PJB at adult world off altamont ave on my way to inline last night.

what treatz did you buy?

youre full of shit. I wasnt anywhere near that side of town last night. Worked late, went to the gym, came home and stayed home.

He was buying himself a Birthday present.

I dont shop at pervert stores

i do, a lot!

so do i . i gotta get a pic of the newest dong i bought the old lady , thing has more shit to do than anything i have ever seen lolol . if she cant get one off even lookin at this thing suttin is really wrong

he didnt even build that one. Matt McClosky did aka Technik Motorsports

didnt know that. great looking car though.

Saw people driving 20mph down central ave in the left lane about ten minutes ago while I ran out to gas up the car. Ridiculous.

the roads are pretty shitty right now. I was sideways half the way home