Sightings Thread

I was stuck behind a line of cars going 20 in a non-sideways manner shouting

I took mainly back roads in Schenectady coming home from my brother’s house and didnt mind the sideways action

Roads sucked on the way home tonight. Before it even got bad, at like 4:30 I saw some dude in an accord who had managed to stunt himself backwards into the middle of the north and southbound lanes of route 7 between 787 and 87.

The roads were barely even wet. :rofl

It’s all in the tires.

My neighbor’s parked BMW slid all the way down the driveway because of the ice. :rofl

Dude but it wasn’t even slush. It was just water. Some dick must have pit maneuvered him haha

Bald tires + water = hydroplane stuntshow.

Enough to spin backwards and end up a good 10 feet in the ditch though? :rofl He dun fucked up

Probably driving too fast like an asswhole and WIPED OUT

i left colinie center last night and managed to drown my truck just before exit 7 seein as i was divin fast in the left lane and there was about 8 inches of water there waitin for me lolol

I saw Dave (member name) in his Subaru on Albany street this morning as I was walking my dog

MKV Jetta with a europlate

didnt see ya broski. do you work at sefcu?

No i work on the state office campus. State employee FTW!

Me too, as in I’m a state employee, but the way cuomo is talking its not looking as good as it used to. Oh and the obligatory State employee buddiezzz!?!?!

Ya im a stater as well. Labor dept, so im in good hands for now. what building you work at? I go up to Bldg12 every now and again.

Blue STI last night at colonie center last night around 11.

I’ll be seeing a few of you weenies when I look behind myself on the GPNY track in a few hours :rofl

I hear you. According to some guy high up on cuomos’ team “Look for a complete state shut down in the future.”

see you are are ok. Labor i guess is partially funded by federal. I work in Bldg.# 18 in the state vehicle auction program.

pjb comment. cmon j. lol

:banghead holy bad grammar…i apologize for the lack proof reading on my part.