Sightings Thread

It looked silver to my blind ass haha. My buddy said he’s seen an r8 at HVCC, same car?

The R8 at HVCC is white

Silver bug eye WRX with a HUGE fox racing logo in the back window on 155 yesterday


its not blue


Dark grey/blue Mini Cooper, red mirrors, black 5 spoke wheels, at Pilot around noon. Looked lowered and clean.

Saw a Audi a4 today, looked clean. Mustve just got a car wash.

Forgot to mention I also saw a BMW 330xi with tints.

Car washes during the winter are for fegs.

My shit stays super clean in the winter

That’s because your an aesthetic stunter.


My shit is clean, its under a few feet of snow still lol

Yea, because rust is “in” nowadays :facepalm

Good thing my car will not rust.

with VW’s and some BMW’s its the latest trend.

You man… Need to chill on the tailgating

SOOOOOO close to brake checking you the other day on edison ave. in schenectady.

OH BTW. Headlight look like ASS

get emmm


Galvanized steel body panels ftw. I don’t plan on keeping my car long enough for it to rot out, so I don’t give a DEAD MOOSES LAST SHIT if it stays salty all winter.

saw love4boost in the 3 series on central today, if its still his the car? not sure if he sold it to someone elese

GL with that. My moms buick has galvanized panels, she never washes her car and now the rockers are rotted through, its an '02.

Black bandanna, sweet Louisiana
robbin’ on a bank in the state of Indiana