signs of a failing diff?

ok what are the signs of a failing diff, i get this annoying vibration from the rear end during deceleration, slight hum too. also happens during 1/4 throttle cruising

vehicle 99 yukon

please tell me something its something easy and cheap and not the diff

sounds like its going to take a dump soon. my buddy had a 99 tahoe and went thru 3 diffs in 4 years.

check your driveshaft, there should be a bit of play in it, if its hard as a rock and wont budge, than its u joints

My truck did the same thing when the u joints were going


check your driveshaft, there should be a bit of play in it, if its hard as a rock and wont budge, than its u joints

My truck did the same thing when the u joints were going


I think it is the U-joints, I can hear the clunking that happens when they go


Definatly easy to check causes a lot a vibration, can even occur at certain speeds. This would be a ton more common for it to wear out than a diff. Not a good idea to wait on as I found out in my old ranger either.

Take it to denny’s driveshaft.

well not that you say

I shrapnelled my pumpkin, yay

I guess those are the signs of a failing diff, then… how did it let go?



not really sure, but they said my gears are missing some teeth and the axel was loose and ended up hitting the rear end casing. I wish I would have atleast been doing something cool…