My 95 240sx has been making a lot of noise in the rear lately.

When I depress the clutch during WOT to upshift, the clunk noise is heard. Also, when I’m rev-matching but not matched 100%, and let go of the clutch, the clunk is also heard. The noise comes from the far rear.

Anyone here have the same problem?

i have a similar problem. I think its a universal joint.

Most likely UV Joints but could also be your Differential.

Try 800ml Lucus Oil Stabilizer and 1L of 85w90 Oil.

ya thats most likely the universal joint on the driveshaft. Every rear wheel drive car will make a little clunk but when they wear out there is more play in the driveshaft and thats why you are hearing that clunk noise.

Damn… UV joint eh?

gonna be expensive to fix :frowning:

It sounds like it’s all the way in the back though… but I can’t confirm because with car sounds, u can’t really tell.

On the subject of U-joints, are our driveshafts serviceable? I’ve always seen complete rebuilt driveshafts and never simply the u-joint in parts catalogues…

No for our car you have to get the whole CV Axle

CV axel…

is that on the half shafts?

Hmm… I think he was referring to the CV axles shafts (Half shafts). I myself was referring to the driveshaft (Tranny to Diff)…

I was refering to thr things between your diff and wheels.

The Driveshaft you can just replace the U Joints.

Ahhh I see…

Thanks guys for your input.

My car also get incredible wheel hop where my shifter tries to jump out of the hole and the whole car feels like it’s falling apart.

Whenever I back out, the rear wheels clunk over small bumps too…

Do you guys think its the same cause for the problems?

Methinks the “U-joints” in the “propeller” shaft (the name for the shaft that hooks your tanny to your diff.) are NOT replaceable on the S13’s. They look to me like they are peened in place with no means to press the old ones out and press new ones in. In the “good ole days” - Datsuns used to have circlips on the U-joints (remember the old 510’s & 240z’s) that you had to remove then you could press the U-joints out of the yokes and pop new ones in.

Anybody ever replaced any of the newer kind on the S13’s?

So you’d need a whole new driveshaft?