Six Papa John's restaurants abruptly closed for business


As someone who has made 22k for the last 8 years of their life, word.

Whos to say working at McDonalds is not a career? Whos to say any job cannot be made into a career? If there were not people dedicated into working these jobs who would work them?

I agree that making 8 an hour for life is pretty much non-doable but the point I’m getting at is that whos to say some of these people should not make a little more?

Where do we get this notion that everyone that works a minimum wage job is immediately a scumbag or someone lazy?

There are people who enjoy their “shit” job.

Waitresses don’t make shit, they depend on their tips to make any kind of money. There are waitresses that work someplace and probabnly make more than some of us, there are others who barely make minimum wage after you average out there night do we look at them any less?

I know waitresses who LEGITIMATELY LOVE THEIR JOB, they enjoy what they do.

I just find it amazing how we get stuck in this mindset that some jobs just are not worth it, that making minimum wage puts you in some class that makes people think less of you while there are people who we once considered “good hard working people who make lots of money” that are now collection wellfare because anything less than what they had somehow makes them less of a person.

Jobs are hard to get, the jobs that many people find themselves getting are those that none of us would ever want to do, flipping burgers, waiting tables, washing toilets etc… yet there are people that do these things because they need to, they need SOME SORT OF INCOME, if these people have a family… if they work hard and can;t seem to find a better job than what they have why should they not be able to collect welfare? Thats what welfare is there for… helping familys in need that REALLY NEED IT… I’m okay with welfare in this aspect… bestter yet if they work these jobs for an extended period of time, if they work hard do they not deserver to make a little more? To get some appreciation shown that they are a good loyal hardworoking employee? I would be more people would have and KEEP jobs of buisnesses showed just a little incentive towards their employees

However joe schmoe making bank under the table or someone just refusing to work at mcdonalds IMO deserves to get cut off for being a lazy fuck.


waitresses at the right places make fucking BANK

I do not think anyone who works a minimum wage job is a scumbag or lazy, I never said that. You cannot sustain a life on $8 an hour. If you are good at your job you get recognized for it, get a little raise here and there and maybe become manager some day.

I worked at McDonald’s when I was 14-16 because they hire 14 year olds. Then I worked at dairy circus for 1.5 years, then glen sanders mansion and a valet job for about 5 years (I worked every break I had through college). And in college I worked 2-3 jobs the entire time while studying mechanical engineering (also restaurant and valet parking jobs). Now I’m a sales engineer and my pay goes up each year.

All I’m saying is I’ve been there, I started at the bottom and worked my way up, but $8/hr for life is no ones fault but your own. McDonald’s used to give you a raise every 6 months when I worked there and that was like 14 years ago.

EDIT: I’ve never had a job I did not like. For one reason or another I always liked where I worked and the people I worked with.

Which is why I said some… not all

and JES, I get what your saying but the problem becomes so many of these companies KNOW that some people just don’t have an option that some will continue to work for their shit pay because they have no where else to go…

I don’t expect buisnesses especially a franchise like mcdonalds to really give a fuck about their employees but it seems buisnesses are becomming less and less likely to give incentive to employees, to give those that desever a raise a raise…

Not everyone wants to go to school, not everyone is smart enough to get an education and do what you or even myself did. Some people just are not that bright, but they are hard workers who are willing to do whatever their job asks to make sure they have some money at the end of the week… and companies constantly shit on these people

Look at benny… as he stated he makes 22k a year. He sits in a booth and hands you tickets so you can park. Now is this a job worthy of 60k a year? Well no probably not

Now benny I don’t know if your job entails anything more than watching a little 6 inch black and white tv and handing out tickets but lets say you end up being there for 10 years do I think you deserve at least a little bit of a raise? Yea sure… do you know how hard it is to find someone in a job like that making that little of money that will stick around for 10 years? There are not many that would not end up bouncing job to job… as simple as bennys job may be I think he should be given some incentive to stick around for another few years…

LOL @ defending career minimum wage workers.

If you work for $8/hr…cool. No issue there. I do not judge you one bit. I applaud you for having a job and taking part in trying to achieve the American dream.

If you work for $8/hr for longer than…say…2 years without a raise/promotion, you MIGHT suck at life.

If you work for $8/hr for two years without a raise or promotion AND you haven’t tried getting better employed…you do suck at life and you are lazy.

Or you are just content making $8/hr…which also makes you lazy.

Don’t blame “the system” on shitty employees shortcomings.

There are many successful people on here…I would say the majority. You have all worked for low wages at one point. But, I bet you remember working at McDonald’s or a restaurant and seeing that one career minimum wage worker leaning over the sink at 40 years old washing dishes.

That was my motivation to succeed…
If you have no skills or education there is still an answer. WORK YOUR ASS OFF. PERIOD.

Waitresses BANK. If you are good at your job…just like ANY CAREER. If you aren’t making money you are doing it wrong. If you continue to “do it wrong” for years making no money as a career waitress, then you deserve exactly what you are getting.

Maybe Im just not being clear enough, my point was simply that some people have trouble getting jobs over the minimum wage or not that far off, even making 12 an hour is to low . There are a lot of people that are hard workers that just are not that bright who well will probably never be able to land a job like a lot of the people on here have… That will go job to job looking for opportunity to make more and may never get that chance. Getting promised advancement only to never really go anywhere

Employeers do need to offer incentive to workers. More and more now companies are offering less paid holidays, less Vacation time, less benefits, less retirement if at all… So many companies no longer even offer a real retirement plan.

Places fire senior staff and hire new guys for less money and they will never make what the ones before them did…

Im just saying that its not ALWAYS peoples fault for making shit money

Disagree. If you work hard…everything else will fall into place.

Go get a job working for a landscaping company. Start running a weed wacker for $8/hr. If you are a hard worker…you will move up fast. Blaming knowledge and or brainpower is no excuse. You may not ever make $40k/yr…but you will be out of the minimum wage bracket very shortly.

Getting your first job at Papa Johns or McDonald’s is not a stepping stone into the restaurant business for most. It’s there to teach you work ethic. If you like it and want to make a career out if it, awesome. Now succeed at it.

If you took an $8/hr job because you could LITERALLY not find another job (not possible) then ok. Still no excuse to be there after many years of making no money. You are to blame.

I get raises every year they’re just not very big ones.

Moving up in the world soon though!


I see what your saying and I do agree I think im just not thinking of it in a long term span when I talk about getting paid shit not getting raises etc…

I do belive its up to you that if your not going anywhere after a certain period of time its your own fault for not trying

even till making ~12 an hour give or take a few bucks really isnt going to cut it these days

110% lol

almost done growing my beard

And I agree with you Shady on your last post.

I never judge people based on their job. I will judge people who don’t have a job…call me an asshole.

I went to Wendy’s the other day and a nice lady in her 50’s was there collecting my money. I said to myself “good for her”.

It made me think about what would happen if my own mother fell into hard times, and she was there collecting money and some punk ass kid made a comment.

I NEVER judge someone on their career/job because I don’t know their previous career path or their current one. I appreciate any person that has a job…until they blame their employer for being underemployed after SEVENTEEN YEARS. Lazy bitch.

Edit: KKK logged into my account.

you agree with me growing a beard?

Absolutely. I bet you can figure out how to make more than $8/hr to grow your beard.

I made $7.00\hr when i was 15… I WAS RICH LOL

For real though if you’re content working at McDonald’s then you get McDonald’s pay… It’s not a permanent solution. It’s a highschool job like jellies said

Also with PJB. McDonald’s is for high school people, should not be a career.