Six Papa John's restaurants abruptly closed for business

I’m gonna travel around to remaining papa johns and buy bulk amounts of garlic sauce and plant illegals at all the closed locations selling it at an inflated rate. Anyone want in on my business venture?

I worked as a ski instructor at 15. No bills and dem tips I was living like a king and didn’t need a summer job. Just had no life outside school and work all winter.

yah… that bitch should apply at lowes and make 12.40 an hour, she’d live like a king

the halfmoon store’s sign is down and everything was cleared out when I drove by it monday…crazy.

What a person earns at any jobs is (primarily) dependent on the individual. A burger flipper will never earn $100k a yr bc its a low skill job with thousands of applicants but if you are not a mouth breather and work hard you will eclipse $8 hr. It’s simple

if you are not “smart” but industrious, then hopefully it gets noticed and you get promoted or a raise commensurate with skills. You won’t get notice for your work if you don’t try. Again, responsibility of employee.

if you are not “smart” and don’t try hard. fuck off! Stop looking for excuses for your laziness.

Here here. This is industrious.

Yeah, because there is nobody ever that works hard and doesn’t get promoted. /s

Solid logic.

All fast food workers should get 15 an hour because of that one poor schmuck who didn’t get promoted. Solid logic.


What’s dirty about it? Boss doesn’t owe you nothing but a paycheck. You some kind of Commie or something?

A boss/company owes you a lot more than a paycheck, just ask the state and all the regulations that come with employing people legally.

Letting people know they are being let go in person before the event is just good business practice/humane thing to do so the people could figure out a contingency plan.

Now we have 40+ people who are going to be sitting on unemployment while they are looking for a new job. Glad to see that you have no problem with that :tongue

Love you too Pete :lol

Or just being a decent human being and giving people some lead time as to when their main source of income is going to be yanked out from under them.

You want me to ASK THE STATE? A boss owes you alot more than a Paycheck???/

Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME! Because some progressive fucking lawmakers make laws, that makes it right?

You fucking socialists should burn.

k thx bye

For the record, PJ owners are obviously some level of scum to have done it this way


I never said it was “right”, there are many opinions on “right” and “wrong”.

But that’s the way it is… and has been for quite some time.

You can’t just employ somebody on the books and only give them a paycheck, there are other requirements on the employer towards the employee in this capitalist country.

For a quick history lesson, look up “The Jungle” from 1906 by Upton Sinclair for some good late night Socialist reading.

Otherwise go die in a fire.

K. Tootles.

Titty sprinkles.

As usual, you make flippant comments, earn flippant replies, then try to get all fancy cat and shit.

America is full of immigrant whiners. And fat lazy crackers among many other groups of free lunch seekers…

The rest of us continue to support the dogs… do you like supporting them Nano dude?


As usual you talk generics without throwing any meat behind your vague comments.

My tax dollars support “dogs” I don’t care for, support businesses I don’t care for and support useless wasteful military projects I don’t care for, support and pay many Congressman I don’t care for as well as policies I don’t like.

I fail to see a point where I should be outraged about one more than the other.

You also failed to follow up on your text message last night…

Edit: How was my comment about employers in this country have to provide more than a paycheck to their legal employees due to regulations wrong or “flippant” in any way shape or form?

Managers of McDonalds make very liveable wages.

how much?

Around these parts even ~$10 an hour is a livable wage without any government assistance and living on your own (granted likely with a roomate), having internet, cellphone, vehicle and time and money for hobbies and other activities.

It’s frugal living but it’s hardly barebones living either.

If it’s just the matter of survival and basic living, ~$8 an hour will suffice as well, and at that point in time you are likely to be in a bracket for some sort of government assistance as well, where the tax payer starts to indirectly pay the employeers salary and supplementing the wage.