Skate pics *56k*


hahaha the funny thing is you know so little about biking that you say that. we try to skate and the mass together in the middle of the skatepark like assholes and miss the same trick over and over again while i stand there… at least i can actually land my fucking tricks… and usually the kids who hit the hardest obsticle in the park are trying to get used to tricks on real street which is what matters… if you’re too pussy for a man’s rail then why don’t you go down the bunny hill with the rest of the 11 year old girls


dude, I was a dirt jumper. I never had access to parks, or decent rails. I raced at the nike base, and my buddies were constantly digging up his lawn to make newer and bigger jumps. We rode 10 miles sometimes to get to the trails, just off of transit road near clinton.

Hell if I had a chance to ride rails, or go to a decent park i would have loved to… but. I certainly wouldn’t ride the same fucking rail over and over, i would be using the whole park.