
I used to ski a lot when I was younger.

Had a set of K2 triaxles from like 1995 (215s) and loved how fast I can go but turning was a little meh, so trails with a lot of trees I avoided and deep deep moguls would fuck me up.

I also had a set of K2 something or other that were 165s and shit, I loved them.

Looking to buy a set of these tiny skiboards and go have some fun in VT sometime this year. Any suggestions?

Smaefer? :slight_smile:

I dont think they sell too many long boards anymore 198+ since shaped skis came out.

As you can probably tell, it’s been like 10 years lol

So, like I take it the really tiny ones wouldn’t be good for me (I’m 5’11", 235 ish)

I was sooo wanting the 75cm ones lol

I dont have my own set but i love ski boards/blades. Roundhouse 360’s in the air while pointing at the camera

Loved mine too till they put me in a wheel chair for 6 months.

I’m going to assume you didn’t have releasing bindings?

Don’t get those little skiboards. If you used to ski just get another set of skis. I just came back from VT and those idiots on the skiboards were rolling down the hill and completely sucked, maybe because they just suck, or maybe because you really can’t go too fast due to stability on them.

Skiboards are for homos. Rent some shaped skis.

yeah, skiblade stability is shit. I wouldnt reccomend riding them in vermont. Just get some shorter skiis

That would be correct sir. Do they make them with them now?

Yeah they do. I never tried them before for that reason.

Once, I had my bindings set for someone a lot heavier than me…

needless to say my knees didn’t appreciate it.

I’m not looking to go crazy fast, I’m looking to (eventually) rip up snowboard parks, like I *sorta did with my 165s before.

Fruitbooters on snow!

skiboards are lame.

siqqq bro … your an idiot.

nah. i think he summed it up fairly well…

lol i love this thread.

just get some freestyle skiis man

Neither did my leg clocked to a 5-10 degree angle due to a shattered shin.