SkyDive PA

Anyone ever SkyDive through SkyDive-PA ?

website says they’re up in Grove City.

Was wondering if anyone has gone through them.

I’m gonna try it this summer.

is that the same company that does the glider flights.
my wife was gonna get me that a few years back for a b-day present, but i ended up getting something else.

Still something i want to do before i die

a guy I work with skydives through that company.

Never been skydiving with them, but I’ve done 4 AFF jumps :slight_smile:

I’ve been there twice. Last time was '04, I think…
They have a plane that goes to 12000 feet.

It is fun. Like a big amusement park ride. You watch a video and put on a suit. Then they send you up with a jump master and throw you out of the plane. About 90 seconds of freefall, then they pull the chute around 5000 ft.

I did a static jump, too. It was fun, but I liked the tandem jumps better. Static required about 5 hours of instruction and was from 2600 ft.

how much $$ for the tandem?

My sister and a bunch of her co-workers did it back in october… I went up to watch, it was a lonnnggg day, as they jumped about 4 hours later then they told us…

But they all had a blast.

$180 (in 04 anyway)

What’s AFF? Advanced free-fall?

Adult Friend Finder

the 3 “first-time” jumps you can do, are static (which pulls your chute as soon as you leave the plane. Tandem, where your strapped to an instructor. and AFF or AFI, or whatever, where your by yourself, and jump with 2 instructors who guide you on your way down.

First jump is about $300, depending on which on you choose, then the prices fall the more times you go.

at least, thats what i;ve read off the website.

i’m gonna go for the AFF.

i did in 2000. There was about 6 of us that did it. it was fun

Ok, good info, thanks.

I only did skydiving while at the Air Force Academy, and that was totally different. We jumped alone and pulled our own cords every time. I’ve never done a tandem or a static.

Free fall is freaking awesome. I highly recommend the experience.

accelerated free fall

I did a tandem jump with Skydive PA about four years ago. Here is my story… I got a bit more than I bargained for.

Let me start by saying it was a blast and that I would do it again. Nevertheless, things got a bit interesting when our primary chute failed to completely open. Two of the cords got tangled and a center of the canopy would not open. So after a few seconds of struggle my instructor released the chute and opens the emergency chute. What a great feeling… free fall, first chute deploys, enjoy the view, free fall, second chute deploys. Talk about a ride. Anyhoo, after the second chute opens I notice that my instructor is working the controls as hard as he was for the first chute. Of course I have no idea of what is normal since I have never done this before. All I know is that he seems to be having trouble with this chute as well. So after about 10-15 seconds of him working the second chute I decide to ask him “are we ok?” His response was “no, be calm.” Now that’s something you don’t want to hear when you are 4,000 feet in the air, trust me. I remained calm and just had faith that he would sort things out. Obviously he did… otherwise I would not be writing this post. :slight_smile:

My family was there and became aware of a problem above when people on the ground began to scramble around preparing for all possibilities. They knew there was a problem but did not know with whom because my buddy (T.C.) was up there too. Actually, T.C. had a fun moment as well due to my chute problems. He and his instructor jumped after I did so his instructor had a good view of what was going on below. They were still in their free fall when his instructor sees my instructor jettison our primary chute and then open the emergency chute. This prompts T.C.'s instructor to say, “oh shit.” Of course T.C. has no idea of what is happening below. All he knows is that his instructor just said “oh shit” while they are free falling at 120mph. Talk about panic. The instructor quickly mentioned they were ok and pointed out that we were having trouble below. Whew!

So that’s my story. It was mostly fun once things settled down and I now have a great story to tell. I guess. :slight_smile:

Shaggy and I were talking about doing this

I did a 10k foot tandem jump with them back in 2001. It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced. Their regular plane was out of service so they were using an old-ass single engine plane. Man that was a long (and cold) 1/2 hour ride up. The duct tape repairs on the interior was a little disconcerting lol.

30 minutes, that’s a long plane ride. When I went we jumped at 4500ft AGL (11,000 above sea level), and I don’t remember it being more than 4 or 5 minutes. I was in a Twin Otter, it’s basically a designated skydiving plane, since it’s twin engine it probably climbs much faster.

Skydiving has always interested me … I would love to try it one day … I bet its a serious rush!!!

thats the company i was going to look into this summer. i have wanted to do it for awhile now.