
Single? Number? Just call me stepdad.

Yes, let’s talk prorated child support. I’ll be gentle and call it $200/month, only til 18.

$43200, I’ll round to $40k. Cash, or money order?

Sounds good, I’ll give it directly to your mother as courts require. She and I will then go blow it in Vegas.

Now go to your room.

Duanesburg and skydiving in a sentence together just sounds dangerous and wrong

To be honest, the drive going to skydiving in Duanesburg is probably many time more dangerous than the skydiving itself.

Especially with Gatville living out there, if he knows you are an out-of-towner and/or minority youre dead.

can you make a thread about bennys childhood stories? please

Look for the book in a few years :rofl

Im down…only live once


was waiting for someone to post this :rofl never been, but ive heard several times it was more sketchy than most. Some of you might remember the guy that jumped without a chute and landed on some guys roof next to waynes house :rofl

yeah the dude fucking took a picture of himself on the way down :rofl

what kind of crazy asshole :rofl

my landlord is an instructor i think i might go at some point this yr

my fat ass is in no way shape or form jumping out of a good aeroplane

If you do Duanesburg you can land on top of Wayne’s house

now that is tempting lolol . i can see wayne screamin as meatpaws fat ass hollers at him from a few hundred feet up yelling LOOOOOOK OUTTTTTT

His home-made golf ball launcher would be in full effect

Went 4 years ago, awesome experience. Probably goin again this summer, you only live once! Dont be a pussy!

Sounds like my kind out people. Count me in. :number1