skyline insurance

hey, i was wondering if anyone knew what the insurance is like for a skyline? like, is it out of this world($4-500 a month) or more reasonable($2-300 a month) i only have 2 tickets on my license.

you might want to chek this out first

oops, sorry, lol, forgot to search, thanks though, maybe i can get that skyline then :smiley: better than doing an rb20 swap into my 240 :smiley:

You’d think that wouldn’t you :rolleyes:



hey i just insured my 1992 GTR again on friday and with 2 tickets and a 3 day suspension still on my driving record i pay $334 a month and can put it on fire and theft in the winter and i went through ZEHR insurance in New Hamburg talk to a lady named Lynn the number for there is 1-519-662-1710 one of the only places i found it easy to get insurance for the RHD and 11 digit VIN

hope this helps


Hahaha I love that " I only have 2 tickets"

I only have 5 tickets.

That just lowered your odds big time with allot of company’s for skyline insurance if they are demerit tickets. Certas bitched at me for a ticket for [No Proof of Insurance Card] “even tho I had insurance” :bsflag:

yup thats one of my tickets 2 lol same thing i had 7 on my record before but they were all minor tickets but i’ve been good for afew years so now most of them are gone and my other 2 drop off in may :slight_smile: But so far Lynn at ZEHR insurance in New Hamburg was the nicest and easiest person to work with.