SKYRIM EPIC Videos Collection

SKYRIM is $40 through Steam now:

explain lol

Due to level scaling of enemies.

When the enemies are scaled to match your level in dungeons, and most of your level is gained by crafting, and not combat. You will have a tought time fighting; which depends on how you like to play the game and how you like to build your character; it might or might not be a good thing.

yeah if you spend all your time becoming a tank and not building up your two handed or one handed skill you will be able to take a beating but it will takeyou forever to kill anything so when you get swarmed by 3 or 4 dudes you’ll be dead in seconds.

I focused on smithing for better armor and weapons real early on. And I boosted my basic two handed (i use a battle axe at all times) and heavy armor skills. you can boost your smithing stupid easy just but making leather bracers over and over and over again.choose the quickest path to the daedric armor and when you get there turn around and send all you skill points to heavy armor and what ever weapon style you want.

My character can take an absolute beating at level 36 and almost every fight I either instantly chop off the enemies heads or its three hits and their dead. To top that off I enchanted my ax so every hit refills my health, my boots refill my stamina for more power attacks, my necklace refills my health 35% faster, helmet increases bow damage by 50%. I also joined the dark brother hood and worked on my sneak tree so when I want i can sneak anywhere and slit throats just gotta swap my armor to the dark brotherhood robes which weigh nothing and are mad easy to carry and the best assasin armor in the game once you get the ancient ones.


JK Looked into picking this up but i spend enough time playing BF3 as it is, so this would ruin my life.

Almost able to craft Daedric weapons. Stoked. Just need to go on a quest or two, make a few g’s and spam a forge for a few rounds. Idk why everybody on the internet seems to have such a boner for the skyforge sword (re: swords) my epic blades sword fucking RULES MENS ASSES with like 48 damage+25 fire.

Can’t wait to scoop a daedric though.

my brother has a Daedric sword with like 131 damage lol

Yeah if you chug some smithing potions at 100 level smithing, plus have one-handed way up there at 70+, and throw some one-handed jewlery on you can refine a daedric sword to close to 1000 damage lol. Any time I sneak attack someone with my blades sword I do ~1300 damage. Kind of funny actually, I’ll usually bring Lydia or some other shithead from a town like that dude from riverwood as bait for quest bosses, then just hack them once from behind and DONE, clean up the little bitches around you after that and LOOT

I want this.




WOW WTF. I am like level 97 smithing I have my two handed maxed out and and my daedric battle axe only does like 300 something damage and my daedric armor is only like 444. how do you get obscene rating like that mad smithing potions and the ring of major smithing

Likely on a computer and over/super smithing with potions as you’ve said.

I’m level 100 smithing and Dragon Armor is somewhat overrated.

Then again I went with the magician route so I rarely need armor as I have ranged powerful attacks.

you can enchant all kinds of shit for smithing, wear all of it, plus potions, and you can get shit like that. then you can do the same with enchanting the weapons. I’m finding people that have like 2k damage weapons. It’s not really even fun at that point though I wouldn’t think.

I have to stop playing this game.

I don’t really have any use for crazy armor either. I use dwarven armor I think, because it’s gold and looks baller, that I smithed up to epic. It’s only like 64 armor and most attacks hardly phase me. Depends on what level you play on though, I think I’m like one step above novice LOL

Man the computer people get is good for this game. You can hack the shit out of the computer game. Want daedric everything just open the command console and type the master code in to your inventory. want to be invincible yeah you can do that too. want to wear three pairs of armor at once and get all their attributes sure go ahead

Doesn’t even sound fun aside from sneezing 5k cabbages.



:rofl :rofl :rofl

I have killed Alduin and I feel like I am maybe halfway through the game. My finished quest list has to be close to 200 long now. Between helping random people and side quests and then shit like dark brother hood and companion (werewolf) this game goes on forever.

They are also saying the first DLC will add about another 15-20 hours of gameplay

Holy crap you guys are far.

I stopped playing a few weeks ago just cause it got overwhelming size quest and new location wise but not exactly challenging due to my character being developed and rarely being in any kind of danger.

I’ve done maybe 8 quests towards the main story line.


People’s sense of humor with this game kills me