Slamming a live 40mm shell on the desk = owned

WTF would make you think that an unused 40mm shellwould be save to smash bugs with ?

VENTURA, California (AP) – A teacher who kept a 40 mm shell on his desk as a paperweight blew off part of his hand when he apparently used the object to try to squash a bug, authorities say.

The 5-inch-long shell exploded Monday while Robert Colla was teaching 20 to 25 students at an adult education class.

Part of Colla’s right hand was severed and he suffered severe burns and minor shrapnel wounds to his forearms and torso, fire Capt. Tom Weinell said. No one else was injured. He was reported in stable condition at a hospital.

The teacher slammed the shell down in an attempt to kill something that was buzzing or crawling across the desk, said Fire Marshal Glen Albright.

Colla found the 40 mm round while hunting years ago and “obviously he didn’t think the round was live,” said Dennis Huston, who teaches computer design alongside Colla.




AHHHAHAHAHA…tp to see if it was fired or not…LOOK AT THE BULLET! what a tard.

Go darwin

holy fuck is he “lucky”…

I am we todd did. I am sofa king we todd did. Wow…

pwnd by and exploding flyswatter

heh… reminds me of one of my retarded friends when I was a kid. Dumbass decided it would be cool, against my advice, to hit .22 rounds with a hammer. A few bullets later and some metal fragments in his leg, there was a lesson learned

The important question is, did he kill the bug?

You would think that especially somebody who hunts would know how dangerous it is to hit the end of an unfired shell. It is sooo easy to tell if it had been fired…1. bullet is still there. 2. there is a mark from the striking pin on the percusion cap. :bloated:

The second one for sure. This guy deserves it…

bahahaha, can already see it, d00d sits there blinking with his face black and hair pushed back and the bug flies around his head :lol:

that mark isnt the end all be all tho

ive fired enough rounds to know that its possible to set the round off with a second attempt. rare, but possible enough that i wouldnt play games with a “defective” round

how the fuck does a 40 mm round wind up laying in the middle of the woods anyways. thats not exactly a hunting round, unless your hunting whales or sasquatch…

Or Honda’s for that matter.

hahahahha hahahah hunting hondas…

Look at you, Rambo…

fuck you, come over here and say that so i can kill you with one finger and a dirty look
