
Shit,even if he had his mouth wired shut u could get that thumbtack in there:bowrofl:

yeah and like helen keller could find yours? hell i heard that you have an arrow saying “its HERE” tattoed on your hip pointing towards your junk so that chicks/dudes can find it. :greddy:

Picking on Helen Keller is just plain wrong man…:wtf:

chaz was the kid whos parents paid no attetion to, and now on the enterweb feels he must draw attetion to himself

justin is the guy who thinks his ass is to tight to penetrate, lol

hahaha funny, but not really, u and smieder need to DIAF

make you an offer, kill me, then burn me. you douche

wow, ur soo funny u called me a douche, ur efights suck soo much

must be a bit confusing reading post from a person thats the size of one of your meals…

ya cause im almost fat

if i was fat, id rather be fat then have the worlds worst comb over ever, u make donald trumps combover look good

ouch, that one actually pinched a little, i mean fuck. The trump? my hair aint that bad.

Besides when you can lay on your side and become taller than while standing then yes, your fat.

Dont dwell on it i mean America has the largest population of obese Men in the world, you are just contributing to the statistics. Fatty

lets see, unlike cheeks or burnyD i can see my dick, but ur a skinny white ethopian looking mother fucker, and cant see ur dick b/c of ur inner skinner

i can see the shaft of my dick while youre throating the head… :bj:

only on days that end with y :idb:

:cuddle: lol, still got :love: for ya

awww, ur going make me cry :kiss: :op:

okay intermission is over, back to work.

you useless sack of molecular waste. i always knew living by the nuke plant would cause deformities, but i never thought being impregnated next to one would have the same effect, but hey, here you are…

-1/10 i dont live near one…sorry

he never said thatyou did… read closely…

he said he knew that living near one would… but he didnt know having sex with your mom would cause you to be retarded…

obviously it messes with the reading ability of the offspring though:stick:

springdale, between duquesne ct. and madgistrate, unless you hang by the skating rink picking up your 15 yo girls…