Sleeping > Audi PICS!!! =(

hey beenthere done that it sucks glad u were ok cal





you are truly dumb

So when I dont like when someone does something that potentially puts my life at risk, it makes me a baby?




That must be why I still havent seen any $ from him that he owes me…he feels so terrible he goes out and spends it on going to a bar every nite of the week.



i went down with no $$$ dick face :stuck_out_tongue:



i went down with no $$$ dick face :stuck_out_tongue:


u did it again and u didnt call me skunk i think we need to see other people

lol sorry joe.

anyways… im just glad ur ok cal. I still feel horrible though


def learned my lesson this scared the shit out of me! If there had been anyone in the back seat i would never be able to forgive myself, well i realized i was getting tired and nodding off but the fact i was less than 2 min from home gave me a big head and i thought i could make it… i was horribly wrong =(


Good. At least something came out of this. Car can be replaced so dont sweat it. Glad you came out ok and that the the damage/carnage was at a minimum.

1.8T Hand of God fo sho.



you are truly dumb

So when I dont like when someone does something that potentially puts my life at risk, it makes me a baby?



Your opinion is shit 100% of the time.
You are criticizing him for falling asleep.

What the FUCK is your problem.

Go to a thread where someone is intentionally putting someones life “potentially” at risk.
Like any of the street racing threads.

You are still fat.


You are still fat.


Funny, you never said any of that to my face…


Your opinion is shit 100% of the time.

You are criticizing him for falling asleep.


A. Like I care what a useless punk like you thinks?

B. I am not criticizing him for falling asleep. Everyone does it. Every day in fact. I am criticizing him for falling asleep while driving. I understand it was an accident, but in my personal experience, it is possible to say “Gee, im pretty tired. Maybe a quick nap in the car would help”

I didnt jump down his throat. I was civil. I showed empathy. And its not like his error had minor results, he fucking launched an audi 9 feet into the air. Im not saying “OMG youre a retard!”

All I am trying to say is that maybe it shouldnt take something like this to make you realize its better to take a nap than to try to drive excessively tired

Either way, youre arrogant and have nothing at all to be arrogant about.

edit: and youre still a worthless twerp :wink:

that’s fucking nuts man…good thing no injuries…

any good shape interior parts… like the a/c display unit… surrounding cover for that

Damn dude that sucks. Sorry to say but I’m picturing Ricky Bobby flying though the air going “oh boy this isn’t going to be good” since you said you launched the car 9ft in the air. You can always replace a car, glad to hear you’re safe though.

damn dude that sucks but at least you’re still alive

I was hoping people would have learned by example when I tried to catch a nap at the wheel


ill have it at my house tomarrow if you need any parts lemme know, giac chip 3"dp and borla cat back are all in good shape as well as some int pieces and possibly drivetrain


Damn man you are one lucky person to have walked away with just a sore neck. Looks like a A3 in the 2nd pic.
Also PM me your info if you are parting it out. I could use some small interior pieces.

Take the insurance money and buy a really cool car, like a yellow SRT-4. There is one for sale right on this forum!

i just saw this… glad your alright … if you need rides up to mighty… just buy a helmet <3 ill come pick you up :gay2:

Glad you are okay… um what happened to the white extreme???

its in lackawanna at a dealership… i believe i saw it off route 5 a couple days ago


i just saw this… glad your alright … if you need rides up to mighty… just buy a helmet <3 ill come pick you up :gay2:


just bought one…

no not really lol:gay: