Sleeping on your back or face down?

I sleep on my side or my back. It sucked having to sleep on my stomach for over a month

Wheres the all the above option? :lol

Dude I flop like a fish throughout the night lol

so thats y shes not calling u back huh?

wat :rofl

I do too apparently. I wake up and the sheets are all fucked up and I have to untwist myself from them.

same thing. i wake up in the morning and have to run to take a piss but im all tied up in sheets like in ropes. its horrid

This poll is biased… I sleep on my left side usually, but I’ll sleep on my right side every once in a while.

Yeah I change it up, depends on what feels comfy.

I don’t rock a top sheet though…oh snap, new poll coming.

3 sheets and 4 pillows here :lol

Holy shit…enough pillows??? I use one pillow and a comforter that is all, I generally sleep on my side but to be honest it varies night to night what feels more comfortable.

I sleep on my stomach with my head to the side usually. When the lady sleeps over i need to sleep on my side. 2 people on a twin matress in a dorm room = no fun.

I have 2 bean-bag chairs I put under my feet when I’m sleeping. I like my feet SUPER elevated when I sleep usually.

^what. the. fuck.

love sleeping on my stomach with my arm under my pillow…
