Slipery Slope...



I don’t see a problem with it. Its not like Buffalo has enough man power to watch your everymove.



if you arent gang banging, dealing drugs, soliciting hookers, or doing anything else seriously illegal, then there is nothing slippery about it. honestly, i like the fact that there is one at the end of my street corner.

this gets a definite :tup:

I dont see a problem with it in some places, I like the one on Main and winspear, I think there should be another one near lisbon(sp?) or minnesota. I like the one near amherst st and the subway station. But how much is too much? Who monitors the monitors (and so on)?

my point being that in its current stage of deployment, I dont see much wrong with it. What I’m worried about is what they could be used for down the road.

Big Brother IS watching now.

not that it bothers me but the one guy with the big brother picture below his name reminded me of this.

I like the idea of using this in high crime areas… once crime is reduced they are removed might be a thought

let the statistics pick where they are located to be fair.

dont worry im sure there wont be any tapes in the vcrs. Forget saving evidence

You guys have watched 1984 too many times.

Great article on the subject:

They have this in many large cities.

All over vegas, and phoenix-scottsdale area.


I have a digital recorder in my car, in case i get pulled over.

Not admissable in court unless the other party is made aware of it. :wink:

On the issue of cameras…

It appears that the new intersection of Wherle and Transit hsa red lights cams…

could be wrong but I dont see the need to have 3 traffic cams on one intersection

Not necessarily. Where is their expectation of privacy if they themselves are also taping the event?

Does not matter. As applied to telephone conversations under federal law. Can’t speak for NYS inparticular.

i wanna see what happens seeing as they will be able to watch people leave bars and get into their cars it could be that person who gets to drunk and crashes on the way home or the person who only has a couple drinks and is perfectly fine but gets the dwi

PA tried this already, in Carlisle of all places.