Slippin Clutch (what shop to go to?)

My clutch was giving me shit for a while now but today I was driving on rt7 and felt like flooring my car in 3rd gear and my RPM went up while the car wasn’t accelerating :). I didn’t want to change the clutch in D15 because I would rather have a new clutch in B18 (that I will be swapping when I have enough money to buy the engine). But it looks like I’ll have to spend money on the damn D15. So what I am looking for is a shop in Cap Region that installs clutches for a reasonable price (cheap). So if u know of such shop please tell.
Thank you

i think synapse’s price is like 250… its about average but the guys know what they are doing fo sho.

d series is so tiny you could prolly do it yourself, or pay a friend to do it.

Yea, I looked under the hood today and since I dont have any powersteering, ac or other shit under there it looks like it would be fairly easy to do. Well I guess I’ll try. Already got the manual now I just need 37mm socket :slight_smile:

Synapse wants $350 + clutch
Got quoted by two other shops $300 + clutch and $450 clutch included.
I guess I am gonna try it myself, sux that i don’t have a garage :frowning: will have to do this shit in the parking lot with 2 hydrolic jacks :frowning:

don’t worry mate, i’ll help you out.
still wanna make a trip to junkyard this thursday?

Does that include fluids and any machine work?

He didn’t specify anything. He just said $350 and clutch. I guess he ment everything included.

Never assume. Find out everything, I guess it’s the book X hourly rate.

A clutch for my 3/S 6SPEED is like $450 so $350 seems a bit high for a Honda but not sure what the going rate is.

I’ll do it myself or try and wait it out til spring :). So that I can just swap another engine in. But we’ll see.
I washed my engine bay recently so that might have something to do with it. Right now it grips just like it did before the wash (it still spips from 1st to 2nd but it stopped slipping when I just floor while in gear) so I think old clutch might still last me for another 10-15Kmi. If not I’ll change it during the winter. But for right now I’ll wait out a week til the rain stops and decide if I need a new clutch or not.

if you pressure washed the clutch area it could def be that. i would go til it doesnt move on its own power

And then the flywheel might be fucked.

Well it slips just like when I got the car (month ago) so I am pretty sure it was the stupid engine wash. Now I’ll just pray for the clutch not to die on me til mid spring :slight_smile: (so I can just do a damn swap).

Do it yourself. Save yourself some money, and learn something. Someday you will be glad you did :thumbup: