Slogin Suggestions, Keep it serious!!

first bass, not like the fish

To get to third, you gotta go through first…First Bass.

First Bass, we’ll hook you with sound.

Bass First, putting the sexy in dislexya.

First Bass = Music to Your Ears

first bass will never = second place

first bass for your car, 2nd base inside your car

First Bass will set you on pass for a home run :rofl:

for those that cant get to home plate,TRY first bass

i was thinking of that one aswell

[napolean dynamite]i caught you a delicious first bass [/napolean dynamite]

first bass keeps you in the race…

stop the run around at first bass.


Very nice, ive seen alot that i like in here, i appriciate the help,
and keep em coming if you can. :bigok:

you’ll be first place at First Bass

First Bass, We make Scoring possible!

First Bass, We make scoring a definate!

First Bass, We make scoring a sure thing!

With First Bass you will score!


there it is!

With First Bass, you’re sure to Score!

After First Bass, you’re sure to Score!

After First Bass, Everybody Scores!

Everybody Scores after First Bass!

You better have been to First Bass if you plan to score!

8/10 Females love what you’ve done at First Bass. LOL

im running with the sexual innuendos today i guess


Round First Bass on your way Home.

“because no one pays attention to second”

First Bass, gets you to Second base