Slogin Suggestions, Keep it serious!!

anything sounding like a winner?

get yer shakes at first bass?

:dunno: worth a shot

a few, but im worried that some will sound like an “AD” althought i know its meant to.

I been reading them over and over again, but i am not sure, maybe if you guys were to pick the ones you like from the list so far, ( no particular order, just how i muti quoted them.

<i>85TransAm-</i>First Bass, gets you to Second base

<i>starboy-</i>"because no one pays attention to second"

<i>obi-1-</i><b>Round First Bass on your way Home.</b>

<i>F-B-A-</i>After First Bass, you're sure to Score!

<i>F-B-A-</i> After First Bass, Everybody Scores!

<i>F-B-A-</i> Everybody Scores after First Bass!

<i>F-B-A-</i> You better have been to First Bass if you plan to score!

<i>F-B-A-</i> 8/10 Females love what you've done at First Bass. 

<i>F-B-A-</i> With First Bass, you're sure to Score!

<i>F-B-A-</i> First Bass, We make Scoring possible!

<i>F-B-A-</i> First Bass, We make scoring a definate!

<i>F-B-A-</i> First Bass, We make scoring a sure thing!

<i>F-B-A-</i> With First Bass you will score!

<i>eurodad-</i> <b>you'll be first place at First Bass</b>

<i>whitey-</i> <b>Race to First Bass for all your car stereo needs.</b>

<i>neonracer01-</i> <b>first bass keeps you outta last place.</b>

<i>neonracer01-</i> first bass , hot cars cool deals.

<i>starboy-</i> <b>getting to first bass is easier then you think
<i>vtecsol-</i> First Bass, your First choice for in car electronics

<i>91blazins10-</i> first bass music to the ears.

<i>trumpnet-</i> First Bass - It's not just a clever name

<i>tom vito-</i> <b>Take a swing by First Bass, it a guaranteed home run
<i>tom vito-</i> First Bass = First place

<i>tom vito-</i>After First Bass, you'll never want to steal second.

<i>tom vito-</i> First Bass, need I say more?

<i>1320-</i> Bass is our business, and business is good.

<i>Zack01GC-</i> <b>It's That First Bass Feeling.</b> 

<i>Zack01GC-</i> What can First Bass do for you?

<i>Zack01GC-</i> <b>Run For The First Bass.</b>

<i>Zack01GC-</i> There's First Love, and There's First Bass Love.

<i>01GPGT-</i> first bass, not like the fish

<i>DC300M01-</i> To get to third, you gotta go through first...First Bass.

<i>DC300M01-</i> First Bass, we'll hook you with sound.

<i>DC300M01-</i> Bass First, putting the sexy in dislexya.

<i>DC300M01-</i> First Bass = Music to Your Ears

<i>flyinglow57-</i> first bass will never = second place

<i>flyinglow57-</i> <b>first bass for your car, 2nd base inside your car</b>

<i>grandamld9-</i> First Bass will set you on pass for a home run 

<i>Pewter-</i> <b>for those that cant get to home plate,TRY first bass</b>

<i>neonracer01-</i> first bass keeps you in the race..

<i>neonracer01-</i> <b>stop the run around at first bass.</b>

<i>F-B-A-</i> Take a swing, and come on by, Well get you on your way home

<i>F-B-A-</i> First Bass, Happy Ending, PERIOD!

<i>F-B-A-</i> You will always remeber the 1st time you were at First Bass! 

in bold are the ones i think i found so far, to best suite me, but maybe a twist on those, nothing really jumps out at me, like my new banner does.

I’m having a hard time being serious, out of respect I’ll keep my comments to myself…

I agree none of them really scream out to me, but I definitley think it shoudn’t have “First-Bass” in it and that it should be quick and catchy

I can’t seem to get serious, I just want to BASH BASH BASH but if I can come up with something seriuos I’ll chime


…Where Bass comes 1st…

…When your serious about sound…

…Why mess with second place…

First Bass, where everything is free for Pittspeed members!

You’re probably right about this. With “First-Bass” in it, it sounds more like an ad. Without, sounds more like a slogan.

totally agree with you. And i think the best one so far is the one you just came up with.

“Where Bass comes 1st”

I’m going to agree with the boy on this one.

im really worried about targeting just the Bass area of the name, i want the focus to be on ALL automotive accessories, because i think if i aim for the Audio side it will limit my exposure, and possible clients

i see what your saying but look at your name. “First Bass” when someone says that there gonna think subs/speakers etc.

i know, that is the biggest down fall to the name. I came up with it 5 years ago, long before i put any thought into being to specific.

I might be needing to change the name soon as well, to make it a little more open ended.


Go with this one, please…:blue:

i’d try to keep it simple… something like

“first bass, your #1 audio communications headquarters!”

First bass - “<insert random slogan here>”


i wish


That’s the name of a stereo shop in Monroeville…

WINNER ! i think
