Slow to build boost - R32 GTR

Hi guys,

I haven’t been frequenting here often, but just wondering if any of you can give me a hand with a few things. I’ve noticed that lately my Skyline GTR has been slow at building boost. It hits full boost (16psi) at a little over 4500rpms, which seams pretty damn high to me. It’s for that reason I’m thinking I may have a boost leak (though I have yet to pressure test the system). As an aside, the car is also running a hint rich. Now do any of you know of common places to check on these cars or would you simply suggest pressure testing the whole system? As well, do any of you have recommendations for a good shop to take it to?

Thanks in advance.


Autodream in Calgary could help ya. Also in the GTR’s that ive worked on, if there is a boost leak in the system it would shut down all power way before redline so I cheak other things first.
I had the same problem on one of mine and it was just that the shitty factory downpipe had a calapse inside of it restriction exhaust flow. Id cheak that out.

My experience says about 4300 or so RPM is about right for full boost to come on.

Can’t tell where you’re from but Lightspeed Innovations in Red Deer seemed like a good shop, Autodream in Calgary for sure or Speedworks in Edmonton.

on completly stock i reached 7psi at 3500 rpm, so it sounds right.

im reaching 14psi on apexi ax53’s at 4100 though which are metal wheeled so they should be laggier.

Glad to hear I’m not all that far off the mark then. I’ll check out the downpipe for sure, re-clean the air filters, etc. Otherwise, I may take it to Speedworks here in Edmonton to see what they have to say.

Gracias guys,


Just ensure they are only looking not touching.

good comment Dave :stuck_out_tongue:

Just ensure they are only looking not touching.[/quote]

LOL i decided not to touch this one, but if you want search around here for reviews of speedoworks

didnt speed works close?


i thought neil went to work with reg at sumarus…weird

Daves all dissapointed

Take it to Speed Auto in Edmonton its pretty much the only good shop in the city. What size turbos and what mods do you have done to your GTR ?

Never heard of them, are all the good shops unheardof?

its midtown imports.