Hey Marcus,
Check out my pics www.sonikphoto.com Most of those were taken with a Canon Rebel XT with various lenses. The XT is a great camera.
Don’t expect to shoot amazing pictures on the first day that you get the camera. It takes practice, time, and money. Why money? Because lenses are expensive!
Lenses i used to take the pics in the gallery…
18-55mm Canon (came with the camera)
35-350mm Canon L (highly recommended)
50mm F1.8 Canon (a must have)
70-300mm Sigma (cheaper zoon alternative, very good tho!)
50-500mm Sigma (don’t like it that much, good zoon for cheap)
100mm Canon Macro lens (a must have)
If you have the money to spend, buy a Canon camera, with Canon USM, or L series lenses.
Here are some of my pics…look at the site, there are much much more!!
go to www.dpreview.com to read reviews about the cameras…
http://www.pbase.com/cameras/canon to see what each lens and camera is capable off…scroll down to the desire lens, then look at the pics that were taken with that specific lens.
Your best bet to buy a camera is at a local Best Buy Store. Get it there, buy the 4 year warranty ($100). If you camera breaks, you go there you complain and get a new one, no questions asked, or they repair it if its minor problem.
If you have more questions, let me know. Or if you want to meet up or something you can take a look at my camera and lenses and see for yourself.
OR if you want a point and shoot…
These pics below were taken with the Rebel XT
taken with the Canon L 350mm
Taken with the 100mm Canon Macro Lens
taken with the Canon L 350mm
Taken with the 18-55 mm lens that comes with the camera…
Check out these pics from Auto Cross event. All pics were taken with the Rebel XT using the 35-350mm Lens.
Good luck.