SlumLORDS, who to call for financing?

I have a couple places I want to buy, who should I call? Current mortgage is through M&T, but I haven’t called them yet. Credit = excellent, Income = enough, Debt = minimal (like under 80k)

Misteroman$$$ - I thought about your places, they are too far. Your opinion is requested though.

PHH Mortgage is very good. Try calling them, I apologize, I do not have their # handy, however a quick internet search I’m sure will bring it up…

lol i seen slumlord and clicked and then seen misteroman$$$ and thought here we go!!! I think they are all pretty much the same but if ya do need a name or two lmk.
One or the reasons like to find owner holds.
Also if you need me to find ya thinks in the southtowns,I have all the REAL,real estate passwords